Everything Is In Birth Pains Now

Everything Is In Birth Pains Now

And now, we know, we are aware. The earth has just went through some great birth pains. And the church is going through some birth pains. It had to go through birth pains before it could give…Each one of the prophets, when they came into the world, it was a birth pain to the church. The world has went through a First World War, Second World War, and now it’s ready for a Third World War. And it’s in birth pains again. But there’s only one thing that can bring peace, and that’s Christ.
    64-1227 — Who Do You Say This Is?

The Word must deliver the Word Bride Church. The Church has got to be delivered out of her, a Bride for Christ. Them that fell asleep in all ages will make up that Bride that come out on the Word that they come out on, like from your feet coming to your head. She gets—gets greater, and more you have to have, and so forth. As the body grows up, so does the Body of Christ grow up. And then finally the Head will come to It, the Head of It will, now, if we notice, ’cause It’s—It’s all linked to the Head. The Head does the turning, pulling.
    65-0124 — Birth Pains

    65-0124 — Birth Pains

88 Well, if the world has to give way to the birth of a new world, let’s just examine some of the birth pains we’re having on the earth, and then we’ll see about what day and just about how far she is along in her labor.

89 The First World War showed great birth pains. It showed one of the first birth pains of her going into labor. Because of that time for her, we had brought forth the bombs, and we had machine guns, and poison gas. And you remember. Maybe many of you cannot. I was just a little boy of about eight years old, but I remember them speaking of this mustard and chlorine gas, and so forth. “How just look like it’d just get started and,” they said, “it would burn up the whole earth. It’d kill everybody. Well, it might be a—a—a breaking of that, just winds blow it across the earth.” And how everybody was scared to death of that great weapon of poison gas! The earth went through, had its first birth pains.

90 And we find out now, we’ve had a second war, World War, and her pains was much greater. It’s more terrific all the time, the birth pains of the earth. She almost had to give way, during the time of the atomic bomb, because it would destroy a whole city. It was much greater than the pains of the First World War, of destruction to the earth.

91 Now, she knows that her time of deliverance is at hand. That’s the reason she’s so nervous, flusterated, as she is, is because that there is a hydrogen bomb, and missiles of the air that could destroy the whole world. One nation is scared of the other, no matter how little it is. They got those missiles that they claim will just…One of them. They can direct them by the stars and drop them anywhere in the world they want to.

92 Russia, as I heard on news, other day, she claims that she can destroy this nation, and—and keep the atoms or the things from breaking up her nation. We don’t know what to do about it. Everyone is making these claims, and it’s so.

93 People’s science has broke into God’s great laboratory, until they’re going to destroy themselves. God lets, always lets wisdom destroy himself. God doesn’t destroy anything. Man destroys himself by wisdom, as he did at the beginning, taking Satan’s wisdom instead of God’s Word.

Now, she knows she must give way. She cannot stand it.

94 Russia, I believe, would destroy this nation today, if she thought that she could destroy it, and then preserve herself. Any of those little nations could do it. But, they’re afraid, because they know that this world cannot stand in its orbit under such conditions.

95 So, the world knows that her birth pains is so great, she’s got to give way. There’s going to be a new birth, born, at hand. I’m thankful for that. I’m tired of this one. Any…anyone knows that—that here is the place of death and sorrow, and all kinds of discrepancies, and so forth. I’m glad that she has to give way, and I’m glad that time is at hand. As John said, of old, “Even so, come, Lord Jesus.”

For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows.

Mark 13:8

We are going to receive Divine judgment. The whole world is shaking right now, under the impact of the on-creeping judgments.

117 One of the ministers will probably pick it up, in a few minutes, on the oncoming judgments. And I hope they do, anyhow, on, the oncoming judgment.

118 Because, the whole world is ready, is quivering. Every nation is quivering. Don’t you think that Russia isn’t quivering, too. The United States and the islands are quivering. “Who is going to throw that first atomic bomb?” When it does, it may throw the whole thing out of cater, and not be a…who…A cobalt bomb, what’s if a few of them is let loose? There won’t be even a fly or an insect on the face of the earth left.

119 It’s right now in the hands of wicked, sinful, hell-bound men. And your destination of this earth’s journey, I said, earth’s journey, is left to the hands of wicked and sinful men. You better watch where your soul’s destination is pledged for. If it isn’t pledged towards Heaven and towards God, turn tonight, with all your heart, and don’t let the old year pass away without you turning to God. For, your earthly destination is determined by the hands of wicked, and cruel, cold-hearted, atheotic men. That’s where your—your body is determined. Whatever they want to do about it now, that finishes you up. God be merciful!

120 And God, in His loving mercy, sending signs, and wonders, and miracles, and everything, and preach the Gospel, and people constantly turning your face toward…away from It. Then how can you expect anything else but judgment? You must receive it.
    54-1231 — Everlasting Life And How To Receive It


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