Abraham’s Royal Seed Is The Bride’s Absolute

One Comment

  1. Bro Joshua chelimo

    God bless you pastor Ben .

    I appreciate the gift and working of the Holy ghost in the ministry. Allow me to share the quote below which comes on the same line upon what we were dining in the message

    18Now I know a star. Oh, it’s more than a North Star! And to be tied and see his presence, no matter how you’re lost or where you are, you can find your way back by his guidance. That’s his Word. It’s the way out of all troubles, it’s the way to peace, it’s the way to success. It’s the way to life itself is to follow this star—the Lord Jesus. And now if you are tied to that star, the Holy Spirit is the compass that’ll only point to the star. The Holy….
    20And as long as there is an eternity, Christ will ever be the Saviour, and the way out of every problem, every difference, every trial, everything. And therefore, when we’re tied to Him we don’t get flusterated and all worked up like the world does. And oh, what will we do about this? What will we do about that? We seem as if we’re not even anchored. But a man who’s anchored his soul into Christ Jesus, his trust there—knowing that when he asks the Father anything in his name Jesus said, “I’ll do it.” That settles it.
    That settles it. It’s the amen, it’s the absolute, it’s the ultimate. When Jesus said, “Ask the Father anything in my name, I’ll grant it.” Now that’s an ultimate; that’s it. “Whatever you have need of, when you pray, believe that you receive it … you shall have it.” That settles it. That’s all of it, see, if we’re really anchored and believe it and we’ve made Him our absolute. Because He does…. He is the absolute that takes us from all fear. There’s no fear when you’re really tied to the rock of ages.

    A Absolute

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