Local Archives

Date Title Audio Video
  Nairobi International Believer's Convention    
2022-12-18 The Spirit And The Bride Say Come - Bro Moses Okaisu MP3 MP4
2022-12-14 Prayer Service    
2022-12-11 There's A Seed Of Perfection - Bro Gabriel Ajootum MP3 MP4
2022-12-07 Another Ephesians Is Here For The 3rd Phase - Bro Joseph Coleman - 1989-03-19 MP3 MP4
2022-12-04PM You Are A Chosen Generation, A Royal Priesthood, A Holy Nation And A Peculiar People - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2022-12-04AM The Mercy Seat - Bro Elly Macharia MP3 MP4
2022-11-30 The Coming Of The Son Of Man - Bro Gabriel Ajootum MP3 MP4
2022-11-27 The Believer's Position For Perfect Faith - Bro Gabriel Ajootum MP3 MP4
2022-11-23 Have You, As An Individual, Claimed Your Inheritance In The Promised Land Which Has Been Restored To Us By Malachi 4 - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2022-11-20 Possessing Your Individual Inheritance In The Promised Land - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2022-11-16 The Manifestation Of The Sons Of God - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2022-11-13 Dominion - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2022-11-09 Not My Will, But Thine Will, Oh Lord - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2022-11-06PM Communion - Bro William Branham - 1965-12-12, Heroes Of Faith - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2022-11-06AM God Perfecting His Church - Bro Wilson Kamba MP3 MP4
2022-11-02 A Believer's Position In Christ - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2022-10-30 Faith As A Substance - Bro Ben Achut - 2022-10-26 MP3 MP4
2022-10-26 Faith As A Substance - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2022-10-23 God Proving His Word For This Hour - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2022-10-19 The Identification Of The Faith Restored Back By Malachi 4 - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2022-10-16 The Mystery Of His Will - Bro Moses Okaisu MP3 MP4
2022-10-12 The Signs Of The End - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2022-10-09 The Fullness Of Time For The Church - Bro Gabriel Ajootum MP3 MP4
2022-10-05 The Day Of Vengeance And The Year Of My Redeemed - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2022-10-02PM This Great Warrior, Joshua - Bro William Branham_1955-01-19 MP3 MP4
2022-10-02AM The Manifestation Of The Sons Of God As Another Ephesians - Bro Wilson Kamba MP3 MP4
2022-09-28 Speak To The Rock For The Holy Ghost Itself Is Come To Manifest The Third Pull - Bro Ben Achut_2022-09-18 MP3 MP4
2022-09-25 There Is A Sound Of Abundance Of Rain - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2022-09-21 The Final Voice To The Final Age - Bro Elly Macharia MP3 MP4
2022-09-18 Speak To The Rock For The Holy Ghost Itself Is Come To Manifest The Third Pull - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2022-09-14 The Third Exodus - Bro Gabriel Ajootum MP3 MP4
2022-09-11 Father, Glorify Thy Name - Bro Gabriel Ajootum MP3 MP4
2022-09-07 There Remaineth Yet Another Waving By The Quickening Power, Father The Hour Has Come - Bro Ben Achut_2022-06-19 MP3 MP4
2022-09-04PM The Manifestation Of The Faith Seed From The Garden Of Eden - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2022-09-04AM Ask Ye For Rain In The Time of Latter Rain - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2022-08-31 The Token - Bro Elly Macharia MP3 MP4
   Tororo Youth Convention    
2022-08-24 The Fullness Of Christ, That Ephesians Made Manifest - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2022-08-21 The Time Has Come To Be Filled With All The Fullness Of Christ, That Ephesians Made Manifest - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2022-08-17 It Shall Come To Pass That I Will Pour Out My Spirit Upon All Flesh - Bro Ben Achut_2021-09-18AM MP3 MP4
2022-08-14 The Fruit of The Harvest - Bro Wilson Kamba MP3 MP4
2022-08-07PM Expectation - Bro Elly Macharia MP3 MP4
2022-08-07AM The Harvest Is Come - Bro WIlson Kamba MP3 MP4
2022-08-03 The Final Voice To The Final Age - Bro Gabriel Ajootum MP3 MP4
2022-07-31 My Father Worketh Hitherto And I Work - Bro Preitt Piira MP3 MP4
2022-07-27 The Final Come, Part 3 - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2022-07-24 The Final Come, Part 2 - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2022-07-20 The Final Come, Part 1 - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2022-07-20 Charity Never Faileth- Bro Joseph Coleman_1992-09-27 MP3 MP4
2022-07-17 Be Certain Of Your Complete Redemption - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2022-07-13 A Deceived Church By The World - Bro William Branham_1959-06-28AM MP3 MP4
2022-07-10 Come Hither, I Will Show Thee The Bride, The Lambs Wife - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2022-07-06 There Remaineth Yet Another Waving By The Quickening Power, Father The Hour Has Come - Bro Ben Achut_2022-06-19 MP3 MP4
2022-07-03PM Ripened Seeds Of God - Bro Elly Macharia MP3 MP4
2022-07-03AM There Is Another Holy Time Coming Under St. John 5.19 - Bro Wilson Kamba MP3 MP4
2022-06-29 They That Sow In Tears - Bro Jonathan Coleman_2022-06-18AM MP3 MP4
2022-06-26 The Church And Its Condition - Bro William Branham_1956-08-05 MP3 MP4
2022-06-22 The Manifestation Of The Faith According To St. John 5.19 - Bro John Conteh MP3 MP4
2022-06-18 The Transforming Power Of God In The Omega Bride - Bro Elly Macharia MP3 MP4
2022-06-15 The Manifested Reality Of The Glory Of God - Bro Elly Macharia MP3 MP4
2022-06-12 The Principle Of Perfect Faith - Bro Gabriel Ajootum MP3 MP4
2022-06-08 God's Grace To The Eleventh Hour Workers Before Judgement - Bro Wilson Kamba_2022-06-05 MP3 MP4
2022-06-05PM Dominion, Power And Authority - Bro Elly Macharia MP3 MP4
2022-06-05AM The Kingdom Of God In Demonstration According To Prophecy - Bro Gabriel Ajootum MP3 MP4
2022-06-01 The Seventh Seal Of Redemption - Bro Joseph Coleman_1988-10-09 MP3 MP4
2022-05-29 The Secret For The Third Pull Manifestation - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2022-05-22 Atmosphere Of St John 5:19 - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2022-05-18 Sons Of God Coming Back In Power And Authority For Dominion - Bro Ben Achut_2022-05-15AM MP3 MP4
2022-05-15 The Redemption Of The Earth - Bro Gabriel Ajootum MP3 MP4
2022-05-11 Dominion - Bro Elly Macharia MP3 MP4
2022-05-08 The I Am - Bro Leonard MP3 MP4
2022-05-04 Hear Ye Him - Rev William Marrion Branham - 57-0519A MP3 MP4
2022-05-01 Europe Trip Report - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2022-04-27 The Fullness Of The Spirit - Bro Joseph Coleman - 1971-11-28 MP3 MP4
2022-04-24 A Position For Power And Authority Identified - Bro Ben Achut - London, Kent MP3 MP4
2022-04-09 Not By Might, Not By Power But By My Spirit - Bro Elly Macharia MP3 MP4
2022-04-06 Dominion - Bro Joseph Coleman_1976-05-29 MP3 MP4
2022-04-03PM Birth Pains - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2022-04-03AM The Manifestation Of The Original Seed - Bro Elly Macharia MP3 MP4
2022-03-30 The Unconditional Covenant - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2022-03-27 In Blessing I Will Bless Thee - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2022-03-23 Who Is This Melchisedec? - Bro William Branham_1965-02-21PM MP3 MP4
2022-03-20 Let The Redeemed Say So, Her Time Has Come - Bro Moses Okaisu MP3 MP4
2022-03-16 The Manifestation Of The Latter Rain As Dynamics - Bro Joseph Coleman_1988-05-22PM MP3 MP4
2022-03-13 Melchizedek And The Eternal Seed Germ Of Elohim - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2022-03-09   MP3 MP4
2022-03-06 Sir, Is This The Time For The Invisible Union In Genesis To Be Made Visible In Another Ephesians? - Bro Caleb Anudu MP3 MP4
2022-03-02 Is There No Balm In Gilead? - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2022-02-27 The Mystery Of Our Life's Journey Unveiled - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2022-02-23 The Invisible Union Of The Bride Of Christ - Bro William Branham_1965-11-25 MP3 MP4
2022-02-20 The Book Of Life, Part 2 - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2022-02-16 The Book Of Life - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2022-02-13 The Redemption Of Man - Bro Gabriel Ajootum MP3 MP4
2022-02-09 Attribute Sons Of His Spirit - Bro Elly Macharia MP3 MP4
2022-02-06PM Questions and Answers On Genesis, Part 2 - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2022-02-06AM Questions and Answers On Genesis, Part 1 - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2022-02-02 The Structure Of Man - Bro Gabriel Ajootum MP3 MP4
2022-01-30 The Breath Of Life, Part 2 - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2022-01-26 The Genesis Of Man - Bro Gabriel Ajootum MP3 MP4
2022-01-23 The Breath Of Life - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2022-01-19 The Perfection Of The Son Of Man Ministry Again - Bro Wilson Kamba_2021-12-26AM MP3 MP4
2021-01-16 The Reaping Season In Prophecy Identified - Bro Gabriel Ajootum MP3 MP4
2022-01-12 The Baptism Of Charity - Bro Joseph Coleman_1985-11-17 MP3 MP4
2022-01-09 Redemption By Blood And By Power - Bro Elly Macharia MP3 MP4
2022-01-05 Virtue Power For Service - Bro Joseph Coleman_1986-02-09 MP3 MP4
2022-01-02 Upon Brotherly Kindness Add Charity - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2021-12-19 Therefore, Give Me This Mountain - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2021-12-18PM Give Me Mount Pyramid, My Inheritance - Bro Wilson Kamba MP3 MP4
2021-12-18AM   MP3 MP4
2021-12-15 The Inkhorn Rider - Bro Joseph Coleman_1983-05-15 MP3 MP4
2021-12-12 Unto Godliness Add Brotherly Kindness, Part 2 - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2021-12-08 Unto Godliness Add Brotherly Kindness, Part 1 - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2021-12-05 Unto Patience Add Godliness - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2021-12-01 Lovest Thou Me - Bro Joseph Coleman_1991-05-26 MP3 MP4
2021-11-28 Unto Temperance Add Patience - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2021-11-24 Temperance, Self Control - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2021-11-21 To Know Him Is Life Eternal - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2021-11-17 Virtue Power For Service - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2021-11-14 Peace Be Unto You - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2021-11-10 Christ In You The Hope Of Glory - Bro Elly Macharia MP3 MP4
2021-11-07 From A Word Seed To A Real Seed - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2021-11-03 Exploits Of Faith - Bro Gabriel Ajootum MP3 MP4
2021-10-31 Born Again, Tested Then Positionally Born Into The Kingdom Of God - Bro Elly Macharia MP3 MP4
2021-10-27 Spiritual Warfare - Bro Gabriel Ajootum MP3 MP4
2021-10-24 Apostolic Faith - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2021-10-20 There Is A Sound Of Abundance Of Rain - Bro Joseph Coleman - Forest Hills, New York - 1993-10-24 MP3 MP4
2021-10-17 The Manifestation Of The Faith According To St John 5 19 - Bro John Conteh MP3 MP4
2021-10-13 The Uniting Of The Dynamics With The Mechanics For Perfect Faith - Br Joseph Coleman_1989-10-13 MP3 MP4
2021-10-10 The Kingdom Of God Is Not In Word Only But In Power - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2021-10-06 Melchisedec, The Great Prince And King - Bro William Branham_1955-01-09AM MP3 MP4
2021-10-03 Logos, The Living Word - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2021-09-29 Tent Of Meeting - Br Joseph Coleman_1966-07-31 MP3 PDF
2021-09-26 The Unveiled God In Plain View - Bro Gabriel Ajootum MP3 MP4
2021-09-22 It Shall Come To Pass That I Will Pour Out My Spirit Upon All Flesh - Bro Ben Achut_2021-09-18AM MP3 MP4
2021-09-19PM In The Beginning Was The Word, Part 2 - Bro John Conteh MP3 MP4
2021-09-19AM In The Beginning Was The Word, Part 1 - Bro John Conteh MP3 MP4
2021-09-18PM And His Wife Has Made Herself Ready For The Last Call - Bro Caleb Anudu MP3 MP4
2021-09-18AM It Shall Come To Pass That I Will Pour Out My Spirit Upon All Flesh - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2021-09-15 His New Name - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2021-09-12 Your New Name - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2021-09-08 Anointed Messiahettes The Reflection Of The Person Of Jesus Christ - Bro Coleman_1993-04-25 MP3 MP4
2021-09-05 The Promised Reward To The Omega Word Bride - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2021-09-01 The Gentile Connection To The Jews - Bro Ben Achut_2018-05 MP3 MP4
2021-08-29 Having Therefore Brethren, Boldness, Let Us Enter Into The Holiest Of Holies - Bro Elly Macharia MP3 MP4
2021-08-25 Changing From The Word Image To The Glory Of The Word Image - Bro Ben Achut_2021-08-22 MP3 MP4
2021-08-22 Changing From The Word Image To The Glory Of The Word Image - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2021-08-15 He That Is In You - Bro Wilson Kamba MP3 MP4
2021-08-11 The Transforming Power Of The Capstone Of Love - Bro Joseph Coleman_1990-10-21 MP3 MP4
2021-08-08 The Mighty God Unveiled Is Now Veiled In The Bride - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2021-08-04 The Invisible God Made Visible In The Manifested Word Bride - Bro Joseph Coleman_1994-05-08 MP3 MP4
2021-08-01 The Great Hour Of Temptation - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2021-07-28 There Is A Sound Of Abundance Of Rain - Bro Joseph Coleman_1993-10-24 MP3 MP4
2021-07-25 Know Who God Is, Know Who You Are And Know Who The Devil Is - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2021-07-18 The Hidden Wisdom Of God Ordained Before The World Unto Our Glory - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2021-07-14 Wilt Thou Be Made Perfect? - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2021-07-11 The New Birth; Christ In You The Hope Of Glory - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2021-07-07 The New Birth - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2021-07-04 The Word Made Flesh Is The Light - Bro Elly Macharia MP3 MP4
2021-06-30 The Pathway To The Land Of Adoption - Bro Caleb Anudu_2021-06-27 MP3 MP4
2021-06-27 Thy Light Is Come, Part 2 - Bro Gabriel Ajootum MP3 MP4
2021-06-23 The Zurich Vision And The Great Deception - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2021-06-20 Thy Light Is Come, Part 1 - Bro Gabriel Ajootum MP3 MP4
2021-06-16 Is Turn On Charity Light The Bridegroom Call In Matthew 25:1-13 - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2021-06-13 Let Them Have Dominion - Bro Caleb Anudu_2021-05-23 MP3 MP4
2021-06-09 The Completion Of Our Future Home, Holy City, New Jerusalem - Bro Matthias Krueger_2021-05-30 MP3 MP4
2021-06-06 Charity The Bond Of Perfectness - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2021-06-02 The Manifestation Of The Book Of Life In The Time Of Life - Bro John Conteh_2021-05-23 MP3 MP4
2021-05-30 Strength And Might To The Inner Man - Bro Caleb Anudu MP3 MP4
2021-05-26 Let Them Have Dominion - Bro Caleb Anudu_2021-05-23 MP3 MP4
2021-05-23 Rivers Of Living Water For The Overcomer Bride With The Ministry Of The Morning Star - Bro Moses Okaisu MP3 MP4
2021-05-19 Turn On The Light - Bro William Branham_1964-01-25  MP3 MP4
2021-05-16 The Manifestation Of The Greater Works Of Jesus Christ In The Omega Bride - Bro Elly Macharia MP3 MP4
2021-05-12 Charity Never Faileth - Bro Joseph Coleman_1992-09-27 MP3 MP4
2021-05-09 The Placing Of Sons Of God In The Adoption Time - Bro Daniel Mwangi MP3 MP4
2021-05-05 There Is A Sound Of Abundance Of Rain - Bro Joseph Coleman_1993-10-24 MP3 MP4
2021-05-02 The Ministry Of Jesus Christ Identified In The Overcomer Bride - Bro Wilson Kamba MP3 MP4
2021-04-28 Joseph Perfection Seed Releases The Holy Ghost Itself - Bro Elly Macharia MP3 MP4
2021-04-25 Changing To The Glory Of Christ The Voice Of The Archangel - Bro Joseph Coleman_1993-12-26 MP3 MP4
2021-04-21 The Earnest Expectation Of All Creation - Bro Gabriel Ajootum MP3 MP4
2021-04-18 The Reflection Of The Morning Star In The Overcomer Bride - Bro Joseph Coleman_1994-01-02 MP3 MP4
2021-04-14 Watchman, What Of The Night? - Bro Daniel Mwangi MP3 MP4
2021-04-11 To Him That Overcometh Will I Give The Morning Star - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2021-04-07 The Promised Word Made Flesh In Our Season And Time - Bro Moses Okaisu MP3  
2021-04-04PM The Identification of the Ministry of the Morning Star in Overcomer Omega Bride - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2021-04-04 Virtue Power For Service - Bro John Conteh MP3 MP4
2021-04-03 A Call To The Resurrection In The Hour Of Judgement - Bro Caleb Anudu MP3 MP4
2021-04-02 The Vindicated Word And Abiding Glory Will Be In The Bride - Bro Karanja MP3 MP4
2021-03-31 Blessed Is The People Who Know The Joyful Sound_Bro Joseph Coleman_2004-08-15 MP3 MP4
2021-03-28AM Behold The Lamb Who Is Worthy To Be Worshiped - Bro Caleb Anudu MP3 MP4
2021-03-27PM The Seven Seals Of Redemption - Bro Wilson Kamba MP3 MP4
2021-03-24 Comments On The Seventh Seal - Bro Daniel Mwangi MP3  
2021-03-23 Comments On The Sixth Seal - Bro Elly Macharia MP3  
2021-03-22 Comments On The Fifth Seal - Bro Gabriel Ajootum MP3  
2021-03-21PM Comments On The Fourth Seal - Bro Moses Okaisu MP3  
2021-03-21AM The True Bride Of Christ Will Be Waiting For The Revelation Of The Rapture - Bro Daniel Mwangi MP3 MP4
2021-03-20 Comments On The Third Seal -  MP3  
2021-03-19 Comments On The Second Seal - Bro Daniel Mwangi MP3  
2021-03-18 Comments On The First Seal - Bro Gabriel Ajootum MP3  
2021-03-17 Comments On The Seals Part 2 - Bro Ben Achut MP3  
2021-03-16 Comments On The Seals Part 1 - Bro Ben Achut MP3  
2021-03-14 The Hour Is Come For The Manifested Reality of The Glory of The Latter House - Bro Moses Okaisu MP3 MP4
2021-03-08 Getting In The Spirit Of The Coming Of The Lord - Bro Ben Achut MP3  
2021-03-07 We Receive A Kingdom That Cannot Be Moved - Bro Elly Macharia MP3 MP4
2021-03-05 Arise And Shine For Thy Glory Is Come - Bro Ben Achut MP3  
2021-02-28 Not By Might, Nor By Power, But By My Spirit - Bro Gabriel Ajootum MP3 MP4
2021-02-25 Charity The Voice Of The Arch Angel - Bro Ben Achut MP3  
2021-02-21 Is St.John 5:19 The Final Voice In The Harvest Time Or Do We Wait For Another? - Bro Wilson Kamba_2021-02-07 MP3 MP4
2021-02-17 The Master's Plan Of Redemption - Bro Caleb Anudu_2021-01-10 MP3 MP4
2021-02-14 The Voice And Glory Of The Latter House In The Hour Of Judgement Part 2 - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2021-02-10 The Voice And Glory Of The Latter House In The Hour Of Judgement - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2021-02-07 Is St.John 5:19 The Final Voice In The Harvest Time Or Do We Wait For Another? - Bro Wilson Kamba MP3 MP4
2021-02-03 The Marriage Of The Lamb Is Come - Bro Ben Achut MP3  
2021-01-31 In Honour Of Sis. Janet Wanjiku Kangonga, A Time Tested Memorial - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2020-01-27 The Sixth Vision Is Over, What Next? - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2021-01-24 Look Up For Your Redemption Is Here - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2021-01-17 The Comforter Is Here To Make Your Calling And Your Election Sure - Bro Elly Macharia MP3 MP4
2021-01-13 The Word Bride, A Prisoner Of Love Unto The Word And Will Of God - Bro Ben Achut_2020-12-27 MP3 MP4
2021-01-10 Sirs Is This The Time For The Capstone Power - Bro Caleb Anudu_2021-01-03 MP3 MP4
2021-01-06 The Manifestation Of The Headstone Of The Corner - Bro Joseph Coleman_1998-11-15 MP3 MP4
2020-01-03 Modern Events Made Clear By Prophecy - Bro Gabriel Ajootum MP3 MP4
2021-01-01 Is This The Year The Capestone Will Manifest His Presence From The Throne - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2020-12-27 The Word Bride, A Prisoner Of Love Unto The Word And Will Of God - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2020-12-20PM The Word Interpreted Is The Manifestation Of The Name Of God - Bro Gabriel Urio MP3 MP4
2020-12-20AM Let Every Seed Bring Forth After Its Kind - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2020-12-19PM The Manifestation Of The Ripened End Time Seed - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2020-12-18PM The Manifestation The Perfect Seed Word Again - Bro Wilson Kamba MP3 MP4
2020-12-16 Born Again By The Spoken Word And The Spirit As Spoken By Malachi 4:5 & 6 - Bro Joseph Coleman_2001-05-13 MP3 MP4
2020-12-13 Identification Of The Ministry Of The Spirit - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2020-12-09 The Spoken Word Is The Original Seed, Part 1 - Bro William Branham_1962-03-18AM MP3 PDF
2020-12-06 The Manifestation Of The Ripen Seed - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2020-12-02 Adoption #1 - Bro William Branham_1960-05-15PM MP3 PDF
2020-11-29 The Spirit Of Adoption - Bro Joseph Coleman_1983-06-30 MP3 MP4
2020-11-25 The Super Sign - Bro  William Branham_1963-11-29 MP3 PDF
2020-11-22AM The Manifestation Of The Latter Rain As Dynamics - Bro Joseph Coleman_1988-05-22PM MP3 MP4
2020-11-18 The Great Translation Faith - Bro Gabriel Ajootum MP3 MP4
2020-11-15 Rapturing Faith - Bro Elly Macharia MP3 MP4
2020-11-11 The Transforming Power Of The Capstone Of Love - Bro Joseph Coleman_1990-10-21 MP3 MP4

Comments - Bro Ben Achut

The Headstone Annointing Upon The Bride - Bro Ben Achut_2019-04-20PM





2020-11-08AM Perfect Faith For Perfect Rapture - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2020-10-04 The Power Of Your Decision In This Literal Harvest - Bro Matthais Kruger_2020-10-01 MP3 MP4
2020-11-01 But When The Fruit Is Brought Forth, Then The Harvest Is Come - Bro Wilson Kamba MP3 MP4
2020-10-28 Perfect Faith - Bro William Branham_63-0825E MP3 PDF
2020-10-25 The Dynamics To Your Mechanics For A Complete And Total Restoration - Bro Moses Okaisu MP3 MP4
2020-10-21 Ripened Seed Ready For Harvest - Bro Elly Macharia MP3 MP4
2020-10-18 The Conditions For The Rapture- Bro Gabriel Ajootum MP3 MP4
2020-10-16 Comments - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2020-10-14 The Dynamics Releases The Faith Restored By Malachi 4: 5-6 - Bro Joseph Coleman_2001-06-07 MP3 MP4

Comments - Bro Ben Achut

The Blessings Of The Ninth Year - Bro Caleb Anudu





2020-10-09 The Spirit And The Bride Say Come – Bro Joseph Coleman - Harrisburg_1999-06-29 MP3 MP4
2020-10-07 The Harvest Rain - Bro Gabriel Ajootum MP3 MP4
The Lord of Harvest In His Literal Harvest- Bro Wilson Kamba
The Manifestation Of The Seed In The Barn - Bro Joseph Coleman_1990-02-25
2020-09-30 The Jubilee Of The Seventh Seal - Bro Joseph Coleman_1987-03-01 MP3 MP4
2020-09-27 The Jubilee Of The Harvest Of That Holy Ghost Bunch Pt.2 - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2020-09-25 The Seed Is Ripe, The Shuck Is Dead - Bro Caleb Anudu_2020-09-20 MP3 MP4
2020-09-23 The Word Seed Is Your Final Harvest - Bro Moses Okaisu MP3 MP4
2020-09-20 The Jubilee Of The Harvest Of That Holy Ghost Bunch - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4

Comments - Bro Ben Achut

The Seed Shall Not Be Heir With The Shuck - Bro William Branham_65-0429B





2020-09-16 Partakers Of His Divine Nature In The Harvest Time - Bro Elly Macharia MP3 MP4
2020-09-13 The Tares Have Been Bound, The Shuck Is Dead Dry, Now Is The Wheat Harvest - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2020-09-11 The Manifestation Of The Fire Baptism Of Charity For The 3rd Phase - Bro Joseph Coleman_1989-06-30 MP3 MP4
2020-09-09 The Seed Is Ripe And The Shuck Is Dead - Bro Joseph Coleman_1994-12-18 MP3 MP4

Testimony Service

Harvest - Bro Gabriel Ajootum





2020-09-04 Anointed Messiahette Reapers For The Final Harvest - Bro Joseph Coleman_1993-04-18 MP3 MP4
2020-09-02 The Uniting Of The Dynamics With The Mechanics For Perfect Faith - Bro Joseph Coleman_1989-06-18 MP3 MP4
  Virtual Youth Convention 2020    
2020-08-23 Another Masterpiece Is In The Making - Bro Caleb Anudu_2020-08-09 MP3 MP4
2020-08-21 And Thy Seed Shall Possess The Gate Of His Enemy - Bro William Branham_1962-01-21 MP3 PDF
2020-08-19 And Thy Seed Shall Possess The Gates Of His Enemies - Bro Joseph Coleman_1988-06-12 MP3 MP4
2020-08-16 A New Heart A New Spirit And His Spirit - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2020-08-14 But When The Fruit Is Brought Forth The Harvest Is Come - Bro Joseph Coleman_1991-07-07 MP3 MP4

Comments - Bro Ben Achut

The Confirmation Of The Royal Seed Covenant - Bro Joseph Coleman_1988-07-01

2020-08-09 In That Day Shall The Branch Of The Lord Be Beautiful And Glorious - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2020-08-07 The Manifestation Of The Sons Of God - Bro Joseph Coleman_1985-11-02 MP3 MP4
2020-08-05 If Ye Abide In Me, And My Words Abide In You, Ye Shall Ask What Ye Will - Bro Elly Macharia MP3 MP4

Comments - Bro Elly Macharia

Supersign, God And Man Together - Bro Josph Coleman_1985-11-30

2020-07-31 The Holy Ghost Is Come - Bro Gabriel Ajootum MP3 MP4
2020-07-29 From Gethsamane To Eden - Bro Gabriel Ajootum MP3 MP4
2020-07-26 The Blood From Emmanuel's Vain Has Restored The Super Race - Bro Caleb Anudu MP3 MP4

Comments - Bro Ben Achut

The Token - Bro William Branham_63-1128E





2020-07-22 A More Sure Word Of Prophecy - Bro Moses Okaisu MP3 MP4

Song Service

Charity The Voice Of The Archangel - Bro Ben Achut





2020-07-17 Messiahettes, The Anointed Word - Bro Joseph Coleman_1983-03-20 MP3 MP4
2020-07-15 Charity Never Faileth - Bro Joseph Coleman_1986-03-30 MP3 MP4
2020-07-12 Behold I Make All Things New - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4

Comments - Bro Ben Achut

Virtue Power for Service - Bro Joseph Coleman_1986-02-09





2020-07-08 The 8th Day Holy Convention - Bro Elly Macharia MP3 MP4
2020-07-05PM The Promised Son Is Coming Forth In The Hot July Son - Bro Caleb Anudu MP3 MP4
2020-07-05AM If Any Man Thirst, Let Him Come Unto Me And Drink - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2020-07-03 A Prisoner - Bro William Branham_63-0717 MP3 PDF
2020-07-01 Another Holy Time Is Here - Bro Moses Okaisu MP3 MP4
2020-06-28PM Let The Bride Get Ready For The Rapture - Bro Gabriel Urio MP3 MP4
2020-06-28AM The Manifestation Of The Holy Spirit On The 8th Day Holy Convocation - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2020-06-27 Is Joseph Perfection Seed Still In the Barn? -  Bro Wilson Kamba MP3 MP4
2020-06-26 Exhortaions & Greetings MP3 MP4
2020-06-24 The Harvest Is Come - Bro Gabriel Ajootum MP3 MP4
2020-06-21 The Fullness Of Time - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2020-06-19 A Holy Convocation - Bro Joseph Coleman_1987-09-20 MP3 MP4

Comments: The Seventh Seal Of Redemption - Bro Ben Achut

The Eight Day Holy Convocation - Bro Joseph Coleman_1988-04-01





2020-06-14 Jehovah Actively Present - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4

Comments - Bro Ben Achut

The Manifestation Of The Capstone Holy Ghost And Fire - Bro Joseph Coleman_1988-05-22





2020-06-10 Sir, We Would See Jesus - Bro Gabriel Ajootum MP3 MP4
2020-06-07 There Is A Sound Of Abundance Of Rain - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2020-06-05 The 7th Seal Of Redemption Is Here To Claim You - Bro Elly Macharia MP3 MP4
2020-06-03 The Manifestation Of The Latter Rain As Dynamics - Bro Joseph Coleman_1988-05-22PM MP3 MP4
2020-05-31PM Let The Mind Of Christ Operate Us - Bro Gabriel Urrio MP3 MP4

Comments - Bro Ben Achut

A True Confession Of The Seventh Seal - Bro Wilson Kamba






Comments - Bro Ben Achut

The Baptism Of Charity - Bro Joseph Coleman_1985-11-17





2020-05-27 Let The God That Answers By Fire, Let Him Be The God - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2020-05-24 The Still Small Voice In The Cave - Bro Caleb Anudu MP3 MP4
2020-05-22 A Double Portion Of Elijah’s Anointing Upon The Bride - Bro Moses Okaisu MP3 MP4

Comments - Bro Gabriel Ajootum

The Redemption Of The Bride Body By The Baptism Of Fire - Bro Joseph Coleman





2020-05-17 The Feast Of Trumpets - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2020-05-15 The Sealing Time Is On - Bro Elly Macharia MP3 MP4
2020-05-13 It Becometh Us To Fulfill All Righteousness - Bro Gabriel Ajootum MP3 MP4
2020-05-10 Anointed And Commissioned - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2020-05-08 Time Is Short - Bro Gabriel Ajootum MP3 MP4
2020-05-06 The Spirit And The Bride Say Come - Bro Elly Macharia MP3 MP4

Comments: Bro Elly Macharia

The 7 Thunders of Revelation 10 Unlocks The Heavens When You Speak It By Revelation - Bro Joseph Coleman_2001-05-20

2020-04-26 The Day You Hear His Voice Harden Not Your Heart - Bro Caleb Anudu MP3 MP4
2020-04-29 The Anointing Of The Omega Word Bride - Bro Gabriel Ajootum MP3 MP4
2020-04-26 St John 5-19, A gateway For Charity, The Voice Of The Archangel - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2020-04-19 Sirs Is This The Time For The Manifestation Of The Sons Of God In Time Of Harvest? - Bro Caleb Anudu MP3 MP4
2020-04-22 To Know Him And The Power Of His Resurrection - Bro Elly Macharia MP3 MP4
2020-04-19 The Spirit Of Elijah Doth Rest Upon Elisha - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4

Comments - Bro Ben Achut

Where Is That Ripened -Bride Seed Restored Back By Malachi 4 - Bro Joseph Coleman_1996-06-06

2020-04-12 There Remaineth Yet Another Waving By The Quickening Power - Bro. Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2020-04-11 The Fullness Of Time - Bro Joseph Coleman_1980-08-16 MP3 PDF
2020-04-10 Ye Shall Receive Power After That The Holy Ghost Comes Upon You - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2020-04-08 The Manifestation Is The Interpretation - Bro Joseph Coleman_1982-08-15 MP3 MP4
2020-04-05 It Shall Be Light In The Evening Time For Your Place In Christ - Bro Caleb Anudu MP3 MP4
2020-04-01 From The Feast Of Pentecost to The Feast Of Trumpets - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2020-03-29 Watchman, What Of The Night - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2020-03-25 Fear Thou Not, For There Is Grace And Mercy For You And Your House In This Hour Of Judgement - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2020-03-22 The Day Of Vengeance And The Year Of My Redeemed - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2020-03-18 Why Cry Speak! - Bro William Branham_63-0714M MP3 MP4
2020-03-15 When The Son Of Man Comes, Will He Find Faith On The Earth? - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2020-03-11 Where Is Manifestation Of The Restored Faith Now? - Bro Gabriel Ajootum MP3 MP4
2020-03-08PM Earnestly Contending For The Faith Restored Back By Malachi 4 - Bro Joseph Coleman_1992-04-07 MP3 MP4
2020-03-08AM In The Time Of The Harvest - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2020-03-04 The Year Of My Redeemed Is Come - Bro Joseph Coleman_1996-01-21PM MP3 MP4
2020-03-01 Say Not Ye, There Are Yet Four Months, And Then Cometh Harvest, Behold The Harvest Is Come - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2020-02-26 The Manifestation Of The Bride The Lamb's Wife - Bro Gabriel Ajootum MP3 MP4
2020-02-23 St John 5:19, The Vindicated Voice Word, A More Sure Word Of Prophecy - Bro Wilson Kamba MP3 MP4
2020-02-19 A Hidden Life - Rev William Branham_55-1006A MP3  
2020-02-16 Let's Enter In For A Manifestation Of Thus Saith The Lord - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2020-02-12 Positionally Placed For A Manifestation Of Thus Saith The Lord - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
The Kingdom Of God Is God's Word Made Power - Bro Gabriel Urrio
2020-02-05 Born Again By The Spoken Word And The Spirit As Spoken By Malachi 4:5 & 6-Bro Joseph Coleman_2001-0513 MP3 MP4
2020-02-02 Come Hither Let Me Show You The Bride, The Lambs Wife - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2020-01-29 The Manifestation Of The Works Of Jesus Christ; St John 5:19 - Bro Elly Macharia MP3 MP4
2020-01-26 Come Hither To The Manifestation Of The Works Of Jesus Christ St. John 5:19 - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2020-01-22 The Holy Ghost Itself Is Come, Ye Shall Ask What Ye Will - Bro Joseph Coleman_1989-02-19 MP3 MP4
2020-01-19 Behold I Come Quickly And My Reward Is With Me - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4
2020-01-15 The Messiah - Bro William Branham_1961-01-17 MP3 MP4
2020-01-12 The New Birth - Bro Joseph Coleman_1983-05-29 MP3 MP4
2020-01-08 The Inkhorn Rider - Bro Joseph Coleman_1983-05-15 MP3 MP4
2020-01-05PM The Seal Of God - Bro Joseph Coleman _1983-05-22 MP3 MP4
2020-01-05AM The Ninth Year, The Year Her Fruits Come In - Bro Ben Achut MP3 MP4

doveThis website is dedicated to the spreading of the gospel of Jesus Christ with the present tense promise of Ephesians 4:11-13 and Revelation 22:17

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