2010-03-07 Comments: Father, All Things Are Ready, Let The Seven Thunder Manifestation Charity Fire Fall, Part 2 - Bro Coleman

And let me read this quote from “Questions And Answers On The Holy Ghost”, Jeffersonville Indiana, 12/19/59. Quote, page 4 and 5, paragraph 19:

410-18    … The Syrophenician woman, Greek actually what she was, when she--when Jesus said to her, said, "It's not meet for Me to take the children's bread and give it to the dogs." She said, "That's true, Lord; but the dogs under the table eats the children's crumbs." He said, "For this saying, the devil's left your daughter."

Now notice, she said the right words, ‘for this saying’. And that, what did that lead to? Sister… Sister Venetha in this experience in 1975, you’ll hear in her testimony, she said the right words. And what did that lead to? That led to Hattie Wright. Watch what Brother Branham does.

… "For this saying, the devil's left your daughter." Say good things then. Say something good about somebody. Talk about Jesus. Say something loyal, something real. That's the way to get rid of devils. He never said--He never prayed for the girl. He never said one thing about her being healed; He just said, "For this saying, for this saying..."


411-20    Hattie Wright, the other day, she didn't ask for nothing. She was just setting there, but she said the right thing, which pleased the Holy Spirit. And the Holy Spirit spoke back and said, "Hattie, ask anything that you will, whatever you got and you want. Find out whether this is real or not. Ask anything (the healing of her little crippled sister setting there all drawed up; ten thousand dollars to keep her from digging on them hills over there; the youth restored to her well run-down body); whatever you want to ask, you ask it right now. If It don't come and give it to you right now, then I'm a false prophet." That's--that's--that's something, isn't it?

Paragraph 21:

Jesus said, "Say to this mountain..." And you've heard the--about what's been taken place; that's the ministry that we're entering into. We're way up the road now. Soon the coming of the Lord Jesus. And we've got to have rapturing faith in a church that can be changed in a moment in a twinkling of an eye to go out, or we'll not go. But don't worry, it'll be there. It'll be there. And when the power of this church rises, it'll bring its brethren; …

When the Power of the Church rises up Brother Blewett in England, in France, in Chile, don’t worry, no devil can stop it, it will bring its brethren. The Power of this Church rises, the Power of this Church,

.… there'll be a general resurrection. So when the Power rises, there’ll be a general Resurrection. We're looking forward to it.

End of quote. Amen. Praise God. Amen. Praise God. When the Power of this Church rises. So what happened February 23rd 1975? You heard Brother Coleman say it, the Anointing raised up to Virtue Power for Service. When it rises up, when it raises up, and it did back then, it shall bring its brethren. It shall bring the brethren. You mean friendly fire can’t stop it? IMPOSSIBLE!! That devil can’t stop it. Because the General has a Dove! IMPOSSIBLE! It’ll raise up its brethren. Amen! You may be seated. Hallelujah. Amen! My God. Oh my. We’ll continue. You may be seated.

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