2005-0529 - I Have Prophesied Unto You According To The Measure Of Faith Given To Me - Bro Joseph Coleman

Now the manifestation will meet the revelation. And that’s a prophecy also. When that David stands out there with the manifestation and takes the revelation and prove on the spot what the Seventh Seal is. So the manifestation comes over the revelation. Then when it does that, it vindicates the First Phase. Oh! Praise God. Hey! Come alive! Amen. You may be seated.

So the final stage of “Time is short”, a period which shall be the manifestation of the Seven Thunders, even the Dynamics to the Mechanics. You got it now? Number 1: Mechanics, Word, Revelation 10:7. Number 2: Dynamics, the Spirit, Revelation 22:17. And it comes over it. Not the man; but God stands there veiled. Direct. No way you can get out of it. So I’m trying to prepare you for the Ministry.




And the Bible said the Intelligence are the Spirit and the Bride say, ‘Come.’ Oh, you mean that that won’t be the Bride talking? It will be the Intelligence, the Mind of Christ in the Bride, taking control. Speak, and that’s it. Say it, and that’s so. Confirming the Word, saying, ‘Arise up, silver and gold have I none.’ That’s Him beginning His reign. Reigning in a Bride, Authority, Dominion, control of the devil. Sun come out and shine four days, speak for your wife, speak for your children. That’s not you. That’s the Intelligence. That’s Michael, the Archangel, the Voice issuing the commands and you pack out the commands, Saint John 5:19.

Do what I tell you to do, you do it in His Name. Oh, you know where I’m talking from. The Spoken Word prophecy, that’s where it comes out of there. Nothing can harm Her, not even death, for if the Seed be planted, the water will raise Her up again.
Now I got a great big hallelujah. Here’s the secret. The Word from the Prophet is in the Bride and the Mind… That’s why, don’t back up! Take it, receive it! That’s the secret. If you back up, you won’t have the Word in you. Amen. Here’s the secret. The Word from the Prophet is in the Bride; and the Mind, the Intelligence, the Voice of the Archangel, amen, to know what
He wants done with the Word and She does it in His Name. She has THUS SAITH THE LORD.

Then it’s germatised. So the Holy Spirit waters it until it’s grown and serves its purpose. [This is a direct quote.] No one can persuade them different, they have THUS SAITH THE LORD or they keep still. Then they will do the works of God, for it is Himself, St Mark, here it is, 16:20, Himself in them continuing His Word to fulfil as He didn’t complete in His days all things when He was here, He did not complete all when He was here for it was not time yet.

doveThis website is dedicated to the spreading of the gospel of Jesus Christ with the present tense promise of Ephesians 4:11-13 and Revelation 22:17

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