1978-0709 - Dove Leading The Eagle – Bro Coleman

St. John 1, the Word was visible, the Word was invisible. Listen close. The Word was invisible until it was made flesh. Amen? And then the Word become visible and through His sacrificial death at Calvary and His Resurrection, positionally placed His Church in that realm that the same invisible God could come into the individual and make the Word visible.

The invisible Word from Malachi 4 disappeared behind skin veils in the Bride. But we’ve been...but by that Word coming in to your skin veils, God has positionally picked you up out of Laodicea chicken barns and placed you in the cleft of the rock, positionally put you there, that the invisible Charity can come into you, the Word is in there and make the Word in you flesh!

These signs shall follow them that believe. Charity will make it flesh. It’ll come out of you. You’ll lay your hands on the sick, invisible Holy Spirit comes out through your fingers. The sick shall be healed! Demons shall be cast out. Amen. Invisible Faith, invisible Virtue, Knowledge, Temperance, Patience and Godliness, invisible Word, Charity. Praise God. Coming upon you and coming into the Kingdom of God and turning the Word into Power! Amen. The Word is not...this Gospel is not only Word but it’s Power! Then Charity comes in, shows you St. John 5:19, in the Kingdom of God and it turns back into Power. Then you shall see living Voices. You’re in that realm this morning just waiting to be anointed and quickened. Amen. You have the Word in you but when the Word in you is anointed by the Pillar of Fire, then you become a Messiah.

What is a Messiah? The anointed Word for this day. Malachi 4 was Messiah! But he Spirit spoke some Word, Bride Word and the Bride Word is in the heart and Christ is the Word Bride in the heart and the Pillar of Fire comes upon the Word in your heart and anoints it and then you see Messiah!

Hear that Bride or you’ll die in your sins. The Bride will say what the Prophet said and the Prophet said what the Bible said. All three are saying the same thing. Hallelujah. The Spirit and the Bride say, Come. Oh. I want to tell you where you are this morning. That’s where you

are; ready to make the invisible Word visible! Word invisible made flesh, visible. Whew! God tabernacled, Deity in human beings walking the earth again. Amen. Oh who do you say I am? Praise God. I’m a Messiah, a Messiahette. Amen. Praise God. Faith! Amen.

Now we see...how many know where they are now? Just waiting for the Fire to strike. It could be this morning, I don’t know but it’s going to strike. Just as sure as Luther come forth, Wesley and Pentecostals, Malachi 4, just as sure there was a Brotherly Kindness in Macon, as sure there was a Seven Thunders, there’s gonna be an adoption!

How’s it gonna be? I don’t know but it’ll be by the Spirit. “Not by might nor by power but by my Spirit,” saith the Lord. It’ll come forth by the Spirit. By the Spirit you’ll be saved. By the Spirit you’ll receive the Holy Ghost. By the Spirit you’re healed. By the Spirit this Message goes forth. By the Holy Spirit the Word is confirmed. By the Spirit. Praise God. Amen.

doveThis website is dedicated to the spreading of the gospel of Jesus Christ with the present tense promise of Ephesians 4:11-13 and Revelation 22:17

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