The End-Time Sign Seed - Brother Branham

Three is the number of perfection. We all know that. Three is God’s number in His numerology. God is known by His numbers. Three is perfection, and seven is worship; twenty-four is worship; forty is temptation; fifty is Pentecost, jubilee (See?), so forth. All of His numbers, His numerals of God is perfected, is in perfection. Now, three is the number of perfection. Just before when the—(listen now close) when the little baby Christ was born, three stars went together and made the one morning star, that reflected the coming of a infant Christ, a perfect One.

Now, what’s happened? We see a roar in the paper, across the television out across the nations, where five stars just fell in line with the world. What’s five? A number of grace. Every time those stars come, then something happens on earth. What taken place? Five stars fell in. What was it, a—a introducing of what?

Since then just look what’s taken place. Germany almost washed off the map. Some of the magi said that the world would burst like a watermelon. Every distressful things prophesied by them for the last days. Look what’s taken place. England, the other day, had a storm that blowed away seventy thousand houses one day. Disasters everywhere…California, Los Angeles liked to washed into the ocean. What is it? Beginning of sorrows. Earthquakes has picked up everywhere. Why is it? Five stars come in line: Grace, God’s grace.

What’s happened? An infant church (Hallelujah.), a Bride, infancy, that the power of God has begin to fall on her. She’s taking form: a Bride for this Bridegroom. That three stars meant His perfection of the Heavenly Father, of the trinity becoming One on earth among us, God’s offices becoming one office. What happened now? It’s the church of the living God coming together under the Word of God, and the astronomic heaven is announcing her approach. Amen. Might not believe that, but it’s the Word just the same. Yes, sir.

79 What’s happening? (I’m closing.) I might say this: friends, the church is coming forth. God’s going to have a church without spot or wrinkle. And she’s predestinated. God said so, He would have it. That makes it right. Who’s a member? I don’t know. I’m trusting to be myself; I’m trusting you are a member. But He’s going to have a Body without spot or wrinkle.

And I believe that these latter-day signs and things that’s happening, every one of them is peeling together to show that Christ is ready to come for this Bride. As God in His Word made manifest in a man, a perfect man; so is God and His Word coming again, and making Himself manifested in a Bride. Not will do like Eve did, hybreed it to something else, but the unadulterated Word of God will be borned into that church, and she’ll stand like Jesus Christ did, with His Spirit anointing in His Word. Amen. I believe it’s the announcement now.

80 The prophet said, “There’ll come a day that won’t be called day or night, but in the evening time it shall be Light.” All you Bible readers know that. What happened? Civilization travels from the east to the west. China is the oldest civilization we have. Civilization begin in the east. It’s went with the sun, traveling west. Where’s it at now? The West Coast. If it goes any farther it’s back east again. See what I mean?

The same sun that rises in the east is the same sun that sets in the west, the same s-u-n. And the same S-o-n, Son of God that come to the earth to take a bride on the eastern people…And that bride polluted herself like Eve did, like Jehovah’s bride did. That same Son that shines there, that shined there with His same power upon Pentecost, to ripen the seed that He had planted, that same Son is shining now in the western hemisphere. To what? To ripen the seed that’s been planted to bring forth a Bride. The evening Light of the Gospel will bring forth a Bride (Amen.) for the Lord Jesus. There’s some of the evening seed signs, hundreds of them.

62-0319 - The End-Time Sign Seed

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