Grace Then Judgment And Perfection

And for the first time for twenty-five hundred years, the Jews are returning to their homeland. “That generation shall not be annulled, shall not pass away, until all these things be fulfilled.” “‘Then I’ll pour out My Spirit in the last days,’ saith God, ‘upon My sons and daughters, and they shall prophesy. And I’ll show wonders.’” 

77 The sick are being healed, great powers are being done, by the same Spirit that set and could tell Abraham that Sarah laughed in the room behind Him.

Then we cry out, “Watchman, what of the night?”

78 And he said, “The night cometh.” Watch. The night, first…The morning cometh, first. Then, the night, also.

79 Just before the breaking of day, there is always one great light that’s always placed in the heavens, and that is the morning star. When you see the morning star getting bright, brighter and brighter, then the earth gets darker and darker. And the reason it is brighter, is because the earth is darker.

80 And the Church of this last days, the called-out and the elected Body of Christ, has been promised by the Bible that He’d give them the Morning Star.

“Watchman, what of the night? What’s going to happen?”

81 Here it is. Total annihilation is coming to the whole world. But before that the annihilation takes place, the Church of Jesus Christ will go in the Rapture, to meet Her Lord.

82 What is the morning star to do? What makes the stars so bright at that time? It’s the approaching of the sun. The morning star is reflecting the light of the sun. Other stars seems to dim at that hour.

All the man-made theologies, all the cold, formal indifferences will dry up. But that watchman setting yonder on the tower, with the Morning Star, will reflect the true Message of the Lord Jesus soon to approach, because He’s brighter and brighter, all the time, as the sun begins to rise.

84 Oh, I would say, morning stars, rise and shine to the glory of God, for the approach of midnight darkness is upon the earth, and gross darkness upon the people. But the morning cometh, and the stars should be giving their lights.

85 Think of that horrible hour that’s a facing the whole world. Think of that horrible gloom that’s a facing every person unsaved today. All nations, and all the mountains, and all the farms and all the houses that they gloried in, shall be made powder, to volcanic ashes again, in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye.

86 But those who love the Lord, those who have the Morning Star’s Light, that they’re getting—getting their eyes on Him, and off the things of the world! And as Paul wrote in his closing epistle, before he left the earth, he was weary, and nervous, and tired. Oh, how I feel for that little Jew. When he said, “Let no one trouble me. I’ve fought a good fight, and I’ve finished my course. I’ve kept the faith. And henceforth there’s a crown of righteousness that the Lord the righteous Judge will give me at that day.” Then he thought of the morning stars a coming, he said, “Not only to me, but to all them that love His appearing.” Oh, “Lift up your heads, your redemption is drawing nigh.”

58-1130 - Watchman, What Of The Night?

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