The Promise Of The Spirit For The Last Days

Zechariah 4:6

Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the word of the Lord unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts.


The KEY PROMISE Joel. 2:28


  1. Brings on the Rapturing Faith

53-0831 - God Talked To Moses

And I believe that the age has come now, the miraculous, the phenomenal, the baptism of the Spirit, and power, and signs, and wonders, this great pouring out of God’s Spirit in the last days, and that’s the thing that’ll bring faith into the people that’ll take a rapturing faith that’ll take the Church into glory. I believe it.

  1. Finishes the mystery of God and Time Shall Be No More

55-0109E - Beginning And Ending Of The Gentile Dispensation

And the one said to the man clothed in linen (Holy Spirit), which was upon the waters (peoples and multitudes)…

141 Holy Ghost upon the people! Oh! Hallelujah! The Holy Ghost! 142 Revelations 15:16 says, that, “The thickness and multitudes. The water means ‘thickness and multitudes of people.’” 143 “And here is One in white linen, waving Himself up-and-down, upon the waters, with His hands up to Heaven, swearing by Him that lives for ever and ever, ‘When these things happen, time shall be no more!’” Hallelujah! 144 “Time shall be no more!” Swore that, when we seen these nations breaking, and things taking place like that, “The mystery of God is already accomplished.” 145 What is it, “The mystery of God”? “God in you, the hope of Glory,” shining forth, the baptism of the Holy Spirit! 146 Then He said, “When these things take place, time shall be no more.” 147 “They that know their God,” said Daniel. “In the last days, many shall run to and fro, knowledge shall increase. But they that know their God shall do exploits in the last days.”

  1. Carries over to the Jews and picks up the 2 prophets

An Exposition Of The Seven Church Ages - 1 - The Revelation Of Jesus Christ

Now, when is the Gospel returning to the Jews? When the day of the Gentiles is finished. The Gospel is ready to go back to the Jews. Oh, if I could just tell you SOMETHING THAT IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN RIGHT IN THIS OUR DAY. THIS GREAT THING THAT IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN WILL CARRY OVER TO REVELATION 11 AND PICK UP THOSE TWO WITNESSES, THOSE TWO PROPHETS, MOSES AND ELIJAH, TURNING THE GOSPEL BACK TO THE JEWS. We’re ready for it. Everything is in order. As the Jews brought the message to the Gentiles, even so the Gentiles will take it right back to the Jews, and the Rapture will come.

53-1115a - Speak To The Rock

When the Jews receive the Holy Ghost again in Palestine, you Gentiles are finished. You’ll scream, cry, do what you want to, but mercy has returned to Israel again. That’s right. And the Gentiles, they’ll trod down the walls until the Gentile dispensation will be finished, and then it’s over for you.

  1. Sets in the order of the coming of the Lord and brings on the adoption time and the literal resurrection

59-1217 - What Was The Holy Ghost Given For?

50 Same Holy Spirit that saved the Lutherans; that sanctified the Methodists; that baptized the Pentecostals; is now setting in order the Coming of the Lord Jesus. When, it’ll be so powerful, that Body, will come into this Group, a Church, that’ll draw the rest of them from the grave. There’ll be a resurrection. That’s what the Holy Ghost is for. What is the Holy Ghost? “Without us they cannot be made perfect.” They lived in one day, under that. We live in another day. “When the enemy comes in like a flood, I’ll…the Spirit of God will raise a standard against it.” See? We’re in a day now…

51 Back there, they wasn’t half as smart as today. They couldn’t make an atomic bomb or an automobile. They didn’t have science and things as we have now, but, and things of mysterious things; to try to say man blowed together, by some dust and so forth, and take some analysis and try to prove it, to make infidels out of people.

But now, when we need It, the Spirit of God raises a standard. What is it? He is pouring in His Spirit. Then, those who are resting out yonder in the grave, or under the altar of God, as the Scripture says, are crying, “How long, Lord? How long? How much longer?” God is waiting on me and you. The Church is waiting on me and you. Adoption time, when God can pour into us His fullness, His Power, His resurrection, that when the Church and Christ become so close together till Christ becomes visible among us, and raises the dead, and we go into the Rapture.

52 Now we’re going to say, show after a while, that just those who are filled with the Holy Ghost goes in that Rapture. “For the rest of the dead lived not for the space of a thousand years.” That’s right. Just Holy-Spirit-filled people was all went in the Rapture. Now, God gave the Holy Spirit…



62-0318 - The Spoken Word Is The Original Seed

See now why I have been so zealous of the—the kind of Seed that I planted for the Body? The rain is going to fall pretty soon now; I mean, the real rain. And it’s got to have Seed to fall on. I hope I live to see it. Do you understand now? [Congregation says, “Amen.”—Ed.] It will be the living Word as It was at the beginning, the spoken Word of God; have His Power, for It is in Him, in His Own Body, working His Own way.

338 Look to the promises that God gave this Body. Now we’re coming to something. We’re coming to Mount Zion now.

62-0124 - Have Not I Sent Thee?

When he saw the living Word of God, he was ready to act upon it. When we see God living in His Word, then let’s be ready to act upon it. If we see a woman that’s so low till the dogs will hardly look at her, and see the Holy Ghost take that woman and straighten her up and make a lady out of her, man, we ought to be ready to act upon that living Word.

63-0728 - Christ Is The Mystery Of God Revealed

484 His Presence, in the individual, with a personal vindication of Himself expressing Himself, the living Word that’s promised for the day, expressing Itself through you, a vindication of the great revelation of God. Look, only in an individual, never in a group! An individual; not in a group! His identification is with an individual. You get that? [Congregation says, “Amen.”—Ed.] Not with the Methodist, not with the Baptist, not the Presbyterian, not the Lutheran, not the Pentecostals, but as an individual!

485 “I’ll take one, and leave one; I’ll separate them.” That’s right. “There’ll be two in the field; I’ll take one and leave one. There’ll be two in bed, and I’ll take one and leave one.” 486 It’s not a group. It is a personal vindication of a pregnated child of God, filled with the Holy Ghost, so surrendered to God that he don’t care about anything else. And the Holy Spirit living Its Life, pulsating through him, showing the personal—personal vindication of the Word, Itself, expressing Itself to the people and to the world.

54-0512 - The Seven Church Ages

97 His great, glorious Presence shall strike the earth. “He cometh in clouds.” Oh, I love that. “Clouds,” there will be wave after wave, of His glory, will come across the earth, and the resurrection of the saints shall come. When that blessed Holy Spirit that’s lived in their hearts, and they died, with their corpse laying there, and the tear stains over their cheeks, and things like that, and they’re placed out here in a graveyard. A great wave of that same Spirit, and a “whoossh,” wave after wave.

98 “He that was last will be first, and he that was first will be last.” How can it be that way? That’s the order of the resurrection. I won’t know nobody in the generation before me, or the generation after me. I’ll know those in the generation of this. And every generation will come, successfully, right as it went down. “They which were last will be first.” Sure, it has to be. See? I’ll know my people. The next fellow, my dad, will know his people; his grandfather, his people; on down like that.

99 Wave after wave, after wave, after wave, and the saints arising from everywhere. Won’t that be wonderful?

doveThis website is dedicated to the spreading of the gospel of Jesus Christ with the present tense promise of Ephesians 4:11-13 and Revelation 22:17

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