Only way we see Christ is when He reflects in each other. I see Christ in you. You see Him in me. That's how we watch Christ. I come to the meeting. I start preaching. I watch the people. You can see whether they're interested or not, just a few minutes. You look over your audience. You can tell whether you're boring them or whether you're not. See? And the first thing you know, you see them setting there, hanging unto every Word, under expectation. See? I'm seeing Christ reflected in that person, because he's hungering and thirsting for God.
Then, me, preaching the Gospel, he sees the Christ reflecting in me. I see the Christ reflecting in him. That means Christ is in our midst then. Amen. “Hungering and thirsting.” I watch the audience, how they take it. Say something another, watch what—what affect It takes on them. Watch their face light up, full of joy. They're ready right then to receive something. That's Christ. I see Christ reflecting in that person because the Gospel, the simple Gospel of Christ, is taking a hold in that heart, because they're hungering and thirsting.