1983-1111 - The Spirit Of Adoption Bro Joseph Coleman

What is your position? Joseph Perfection.Take your position. Nothing against Joseph. A revelation. Before you can receive the Holy Ghost, you must have a revelation that there’s nothing against Joseph in you. And then Joseph, the Word for this season receives the Holy Ghost. But if you put your mind to it, then there’s unbelief there. And then God cannot baptize the seed in your heart.

But if you get your mind out of the way and let that seed believe, there’s nothing against Joseph, nothing against Joseph. And one day you will be slotted in your day. Amen. So we’re called to the adoption of sons. And when each man takes his position, what God has called him to do and stand to the end of the road going after their lost brother, amen. That’s the hour we’re in now.

The Seven Thunder Blood keeps you saved daily. Glory. That’s why the Word, the Pastor has got to preach that Word because God’s people Monday and Tuesday, the devil might have tied them down, and the man of God is studying. He walks into the pulpit, the Holy Spirit goes through there. BANG! Praise God. Amen. He calls that sin out. That predestinated seed is set free. Down comes the Blood, and they’re free. He whom the Son of Man has set free is free indeed. There’s no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus that walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit, led by the Spirit of God. There is no condemnation, praise God. Hlallelujah. How can there be condemnation when the Blood is hanging here? Hallelujah. How can you be in prison when Jesus has set you free? Glory, glory, amen. My.

You are baptized into Christ. And the devil can’t even find you. In order for the devil to do anything to you, he’s got to get baptized into Christ. And then go look for you. Glory. The devil can’t do nothing to you. It’s written, it’s written, it’s written. Get thee hence Satan. Pull your swords out. Glory. Take your position. Stand to the end of the road. After the battle is over, after the battle is over, we shall wear a crown. Glory. Oh, hallelujah, praise God. It’s time to get into our positions. The hour is here.

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