Now at the sounding of the Seventh Church Age, the last Church Age, all of the loose ends that through these Church Ages that have been probed at will be wound up together. Probed at. All of the great teachers, oh, Larkin and Smith and all these great men, they have drawn charts and pictures and they have written books on the Seven Seals. What were they doing? They were probing, probing at it, but they couldn’t get it. It was locked up. It was for Malachi 4, that’s his ministry, to reveal mysteries. Amen. That’s his ministry alone is to reveal mysteries.
Now the Bride has a ministry also and She is also to reveal something. What is she supposed to reveal? The mystery of God, Jesus Christ Himself, having His preeminence in the Bride. Amen. The mystery of God as the Word of God in the Bride, The three-fold mystery.