So now we are invited into Him, to be partakers of all that He is. We're invited into Him, which is hid to unbelievers, by the veil of human flesh. See? They know that Glory, they read of It, It's in the Word here, "the Glory of God" and things like that, it's just a word to them. To us, it's a manifestation! See? It is no more a word; it's a reality! Amen!
God said, "Let there be light," that was the word. But now there is light. It ain't the word; it's the light. See what I mean?
Now it isn't just a written Word to us, it's a reality. We are in Him. Now we're enjoying. Now we behold Him. Now we see Him, the Word, manifesting Himself. It's hid, out there, because (why?) It's veiled in human flesh. See?