Now, one of the greatest signs that Jesus gave of His return is that hardly anybody would be looking for Him. Scripture after Scripture it says, there will be very few looking for Him. That’s why He did...even exhorted to lift up your head, praise God. When you see the cloud come, knowing it would be very few that will be numbed away with the fashions of the world. Satan numbs them down, then paralyzes them. Oh glory. However ... The numbers of... the numbers of mockers and scoffers would increase in the Message, and going out increasing.
And another thing predicted is that many would be deceived. Deception would be rampant. And that’s going on right in here, taking them out, telling them that they’re in the Bride. They’re not in the Bride, they’re cutting their hair, pants and everything else on. They’re in the Bride, right from here. It’ by the devil, a strong delusion to believe, to believe a lie and be damned by it for not receiving the love of the Truth.
St Luke 18:8, very few will be ready. When the Son of Man cometh, shall He find faith? Revelation 13:8, all that dwell upon the face of the earth would be deceived by those those whose names is written... whose names are not written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. All will be deceived.
So we see... we see it, being elected. Few who will recognise their names in the Lamb’s Book of Redemption. But when He leaves the mediatorial work, and He comes forward and takes the Book to call those elected names written in the Book, those names are in the Book and are recognized by the Bride member. And when they do it immediately causes a Jubilee. Immediately! Immediately! There is not a time delay factor here. It’s not like the internet, a twenty second delay. They immediately go into a Jubilee.