61-0827 - The Message Of Grace Bro Branham

But now, according to the prophecy, there will come the Headstone. And I want you to notice that, when the Headstone comes, the prince that’s going to cry out the Message will cry “Grace! Grace!” For it’s by grace are we saved, that not of works, lest any man should boast. And the Message of grace has been tramped under the feet of men until it’s become a disgrace. Some of them runs out into Eternal security, some runs out into everything. But, the true Message of grace remains the same, and there’s where Satan tries to knock it out from the Church. But it’s the grace of God that we’re all saved by.

So in the Deity of Jesus Christ, if the Lord God could come there and confirm that that is the Truth, not only that, but by His Word He confirms it’s the Truth, and by signs and wonders He confirms it’s the Truth, then, also, grace is the Truth.

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