1993-09-26 - The Stone Which The Builders Refused Has Become The Headstone Bro Coleman

And Knoweth It Not, page 13. Now watch the prophet here. Paul says He was a master builder. Malachi 4 said I'm only building. The hour is close at hand when you're going to see something happen, when something is going to take place. And all this background here. Here's the background...tapes, books. The message of Malachi 4 is the background, has only been laying a foundation Joseph Perfection.

The Fourth line in the Word, huh! The ark, the Headstone, the Capstone. Praise God! Foundation. For a short, quick message right on the top of it. Holy Spirit itself, Seven Thunders thundering out. Oh my God, Sha. Amen. Has only been laying a foundation for short, quick message that will shake the whole nations. And what will it do when it sees what is going on here now, things begin to happen now(...) The fourth was the Word itself. Luther, Wesley, Pentecostal, Malachi 4 - The Word. On top of there will come a Seven Thunder revival- The bride. And the Capstone. That will pull down the capstone. And love will come down. Amen.

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