What kind of people should we be? If the very Holy Spirit has you so embodied or empowered, that you don't use your own thoughts, you don't use your own mind, you don't use your own opinion; but the Holy Spirit has you so built, until your thoughts and your being is God's Spirit expressing Itself through you, what kind of a church would we be?
(...) 183 "And they that are sons of God are led by the Spirit of God." Then when the human element goes out, and the Spirit of God fills that vacancy, where you empty yourself (amen), then will be when the Church in Its power of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, will walk in His steps, in His Power, in His thoughts, in His Being, in His moving… You see what I mean? Then your thoughts will become words, and words will become material. That's when the Church in its power…
I believe it's on its road, that when the Church will be so wrapped in Christ, the Holy Spirit, mankind so away from theirselves, that they don't see themselves, they don't have no… [Blank.spot.on.tape—Ed.]… thoughts but to serve God. And their thoughts move on. They refuse the things of the world. They just move in the Spirit, live in the Spirit, move in the Spirit, walk in the Spirit, so fulfill the law of Christ. Then the love of Christ in the human heart, moving in the Holy Ghost, that great wonderful Church will go forth with power and Deity; because Deity will be revealed in human beings by the Holy Spirit bringing to pass the thought of their mind.