61-0806 - The Seventieth Week Of Daniel - Bro Branham

But the true Church, all over the world, has shaped down to a place that there’s come a ministry among It, just exactly like the ministry of Jesus Christ. Now what they got? They got the thing in condition. Now what’s the next thing? This rejected Stone, of the pyramid, cut out of the mountain (without what?) without hands. God sent It. Do you see it? [Congregation says, “Amen.”—Ed.] The rejected One, the rejected Stone, is the head of This; is the head, the capstone. And the very One that they’ve rejected, through the Gentile age, is Christ. And Christ was not cut and put in here as a vicar, or son of God, or some great dignitary in the church. He is the Holy Spirit. And the cap of the pyramid will be Christ coming. Do you see it? [“Amen.”]

Now, because that they’re in shape, (See where I got this shaped here like the pyramid, the rising of the saints?) makes the march into Glory. You understand it now? [Congregation says, “Amen.”—Ed.] Christ, the Headstone, the rejected Stone, the all-seeing Eye, coming exactly like the Bible said. And Daniel said he watched this Gentile age until a Stone come out of the mountain, that wasn’t cut with hands. They have never put a capstone on that pyramid. [Brother Branham knocks on the pulpit two times.] It wasn’t cut by man’s hands. It’s God’s hand that cut the Stone. You see it? [“Amen.”] And what did It do? It hit the image right smack in the feet, and broke it to pieces, ground it into powder. Hallelujah! What happened at that time, the coming of that Stone? [Brother Branham knocks on the pulpit four times.] Up went the Church into Glory, at the Rapture, ’cause it ended the Gentile dispensation. God ended it up; the coming of that Stone.

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