2008-04-13 - Comments - Bro Coleman

Quote: So on this Third Phase, we are changing over from the Testimony of Jesus to the Spirit of Prophesy. We are going to ‘Thus saith the Lord’ or you keep still. Then you shall see the real Fivefold, because the real Fivefold, they will have ‘Thus saith the Lord’. They’ll speak by direct Inspiration from an open channel from Heaven. And three phases must place the Fivefold under direct Inspiration. By an open channel from Heaven will we hear the Voice of God direct from Heaven. And this Fivefold Ministry will minister to your needs, they’ll speak to your needs, they’ll speak to the demons in your soul, because they’ll have the Intelligence of Hebrews 4:12.

Your faith has got to be anointed. And so the people like the Dynamics, they love the feeling, but they can’t take the Word. So God in His Wisdom disguised Charity the Headstone as the Word, and that’s your place of trying. God is trying you if you can take the Word, if you can take every Word of that Headstone. And the Headstone enmorphes Itself, It disguises Itself in seasons to try your faith. So in this season the Headstone is here as a Revelation of the Fivefold Ministry to try your faith. So you better take it. Identify the Headstone, that the Headstone has been here as an Apostolic Ministry.

It’s the Headstone just disguised. And the people could take it if you preach it as Charity. When it’s now preached as an Apostolic Ministry, they reject that one. But in spite of the Headstone Revelation, because the Prophetic, the Apostolic, all came form what? The Headstone. This Ministry is the Headstone Ministry. So now we are in a trying phase, God trying your faith. So don’t give up, say amen to every Word in this season. That is your blessing. Say amen to every spoken Word, that is your blessing. That is your blessing brother. So you can’t reject one Word. He’s been trying the Bride, changing the forms which the Headstone has been coming. But the Headstone has been here, disguised, that was your whole trial. God was trying you on the Word. Take the Word. Take every Word that comes out of that Headstone, then you shall be sealed, you shall be blessed, you shall be anointed, you shall be born again. Because it’s the Word of God. So now do you know what we’re trying here, what we’re tying to do, that the Holy Ghost is doing a work. Trying the Bride on the Word and that’s been the greatest test. Not a man, not a man, don’t get it mixed up. It has been the Headstone, God enmorphes Himself, changes Himself. Comes down an Apostolic Ministry, changes, disguises Himself. Some get stumbled. Is that a man? That is not a man. That is still the Headstone speaking out, the Ministry of Jesus Christ. Amen. Praise God. Amen. So God trying and trying, by the Word. You may be seated. Amen.

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