And now we're moving right on into another great age, coming for the rapture of the Church. And in this, we're living in the time of the restoration of the gifts. It stumbled many of the big fine churches; it sent Nazarene backwards; it made fanatics out of a lot of Pentecost. But just the same, God's moving right on, bringing in the rapturing faith for His Church. That's right. So tonight I represent that faith, the faith that was once delivered to the saints, in the way of a Divine gift.
Which, to my opinion, "Gifts and callings…" Not my opinion; but the Bible says that gifts and callings are without repentance. There's nothing you can do about it. You can't make yourself with blue eyes when you got brown. You're just what you are, by the grace of God.
You can't even come to God without God calling you first. You can't seek God without God seeking you first and calling you. "No man can come to me, except My Father draws him." So God is seeking. "God has set in the Church…"
And then from a little child, born here in this state of Kentucky, visions just comes to me just the same as—as eating or anything else. It's just as God will, He provides it. I just do as He tells me to do.
Certainly, I have many critics. I have many people who disbelieve it. No matter what would take place, they'd disbelieve it anyhow. I expect to have that. And if I didn't have that, I'd go down to an altar somewhere and say, "Dear Lord, what's wrong with me?" "For all that live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution." Right. We must have it. That's right.