64-0614M - The Unveiling Of God - Bro Branham

Behind the old temple, in the veil, what was back behind there? What was Jehovah? What was hid back there? What was the veil hiding? Oh, hallelujah! What was the veil hiding? It was hiding the Word. The veil, old badger skins, was hidden, hiding the Word to their eyes, natural. Behind there, also, was the shewbread. Behind there, also, was the Shekinah Glory. But It was all hid from them. It was all hid. All the Glory of God was right behind that old badger skin, that's right, all hid to the natural eye.

Same now! The Glory, the Power of the Holy Spirit, the Shekinah Glory that comes upon the believer, now I mean the real believer, that causes the works of God and the faith to come into him, to believe the Word of God, that's all hid to them eyes. They say, "Them things are passed." You see, they're still living behind the veil.
You're not behind that veil anymore, little Ones, God has come in full view of you.

Notice, all the Glory that is in God is in the Word. All the blessings that's in God is in the Word. It's hid, to the unbeliever, by traditions. See what I mean? But It's all in Christ. All that God was, He emptiedHimself, "kenos," and came into Christ; and we, into Christ, are behind the veil.

We in Him! Then we, being in Him, we are still veiled to the religionists and professors of the world. See, our Glory that we have and enjoying, we are still veiled to them outsiders. They think we're "crazy, a nut," again. See? See? That's right. But we who are in here, in Christ, baptized into Him, (First Corinthians 12), into Him, we are partakers of this Glory. See? But not on the outside; you're still looking in, denying It. See?

So now we are invited into Him, to be partakers of all that He is. We're invited into Him, which is hid to unbelievers, by the veil of human flesh. See? They know that Glory, they read of It, It's in the Word here, "the Glory of God" and things like that, it's just a word to them. To us, it's a manifestation! See? It is no more a word; it's a reality! Amen!

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