62-0407 - The Signs Of His Coming - Bro Branham

What was it? It was—it was a body, growing from the feet, coming up, comes up more important parts of the body from the feet, on into the lungs, and the heart, on into the Head. Who is the Head? Who is the Head? Christ. That’s the intelligence. How’s the body move? By the head. Amen. And the government shall be upon what? His… [Audience replies, “Shoulders.”—Ed.] What is His shoulders? His body. Amen. There’s where the real true church speaks in His power. There’s where the apostolic power returns to the church, when the government shall be upon His shoulders; judgment. There’s coming a real church, I believe, trying to do my part to present it, have it ready the best I know how, to present my part in my age to Christ when He comes

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