You just say it and God’s right with it. And you grab some more, the Seven Thunders, and there’s more Authority. Then you grab Adoption. My. That’s Himself, mmm, there it is. THUS SAITH THE LORD or keep still. You talking about getting upset now, wait till that happens. Amen.
It’s the Chief Authority and Command. Amen. Christ taking control or beginning His reign in issuing the commands Himself according to Revelation 22:17. The Spirit Himself comes down and takes control over the body. Amen.
St John 5:19, giving out His official orders and announcing the change of dispensations. Time no longer. Amen. See? And by the enforcement of the laws of His Kingdom He blows the Trumpet. Amen. One command is for war for three and a half years. The other one is a Call to the Wedding Supper. Which one do you want to be in? Amen.
Now we see… Let me close out now. Pianist. Amen. Now we see. Now Revelation 1 was the preparation for the Seven Church Ages, which was Revelation 2 and 3. And Revelation 4:1, a summons to the Rapture, Come up hither.’ Now Revelation 5, I want to strike it and I’ll finish off.