What was it? Notice, just exactly the way It said, “Before the doctor’s hand can touch it.” One split second, and his hand would have touched it. How perfect is the Word of the Lord!
Now, there is my wife, and we’re both before God. But before the doctor’s hand could even touch her body, on the road coming to her like that, something happened, the tumor left. And they couldn’t, he—he said…I believe it was, wasn’t it, sweetheart? “I want to reassure you, Mrs. Branham,” (Is that right, the way he said it? That’s right.) “that that tumor isn’t there. You don’t have any tumor.”
What was it? Just exactly according to the Word of the Lord, that was…?…Amen. That’s the fifth time. Five is the number of grace, a number of f-a-i-t-h, too. There is no more doubt in my mind. I know what the Third Pull is, and I know what it does. Now be reverent, just keep quiet, the hour will soon arrive where God is going to do some great things for us.