Now, the Coming of the Lord Jesus is so imminent, the coming of judgment, He’s calling His Elected together in oneness with Himself, with the same kind of a ministry He had. You know how I shaped in the Church Ages, here not long ago, about the—the big tower that was built, called the pyramid, but the headstone was never put on it. Remember how the Lutherans came, then the Wesleys in the minority, and then down to Pentecost. And now what He’s doing, calling from that. What did He do? He called out the Elect, to make the Lutheran; He called out the Elect, out of the Lutheran, to make the Wesleyan; He called out the Elect, out of that, to make the Pentecostals; now He’s calling the Elect pentecostals out, to make the headstone to come into it. A very same kind of a ministry dropping right in on it, calling His children from all denominations and all walks of life.