We're on the verge, brother. Somebody's come back from Canaan; the grapes are good. It's our land. God give it to us. We can take it, God said so, didn't He? God said we had it; it's ours. And we're living in the last days; don't you believe it? He said, "In the last days I'll send down the rain in abundance like that. Both former and latter rain will fall in this day. And what they had back there plus what God's going to give us is right now at hand. Amen.
I'm... I believe it with all my heart. And I believe we're at the age of the battle. Don't you think so? Let's not push back. If they want to push back, let them push back. But we're going forward. Amen. It's ours. God said, "It's yours; now go in there and take it."