63-1110M - Souls That Are In Prison Now - Bro Branham

But, remember, all this time, Noah was in the ark. The Bride is sealed in with Christ, the last member has been redeemed. The Sixth Seal has produced itself. The Seventh Seal brings Him back to earth. The Lamb come and took the Book out of the right hand of Him, and set down and claimed what He owned, what He had redeemed. That right? It’s always been that Third Pull.

Three is perfection. The ministry come to its perfection when it reproduced Christ again in natural, amongst human beings, as was predicted, “As it was in the days of Lot.”

Oh, think, people could go right on preaching, thinking they’re getting saved, believing they’re doing right, believing their organizations are growing, sure, and not even a ray of hope. And if that vision was that, and it’s been so hard against women, we have come to that hour. Door is closed, gone, already the Book is in His hand. Think of it.

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