Page 39, “Feast of the Trumpets”. Now as soon as this church. Now you won’t find this in your book, you have to hear the tape. This part right here. As soon as this church, the Bride. This is on the tape. Is brought together, she is taken up in that mystery of the Seventh Seal.
The Bride is called by the Mystery of the Seventh Seal. (Brother Coleman crosses his hands showing how. –ed) Here’s the Sixth Seal. And then as soon as she’s brought together here by the quickening power, across the world, she’s taken up in that mystery. Taken up in the Shout, the Voice, and the Trump. And they don’t know. And they’re cursing the thing in New York, they don’t even know what they’re talking about. While they’re cursing, “I’m going up in the First Resurrection, I’m going up in the first Resurrection.” (Brother Coleman sings –ed)
Praise God. Halleluiah. Now you got it? May be seated. Now soon as this church left out, the Bride is brought together, she’s taken up in that mystery of the Seventh Seal or the Seventh Seal, the mystery going. And the Jews is called by the mystery of the Seventh Trumpet. Moses and Elijah. And you’re called by Christ, the Seventh Seal. Oh, sha! But Christ is the mystery of God revealed that calls you. And the Bride’s called by the mystery of the Seventh Seal. And the Seven Thunders holds the mystery. And the Seven Thunders while its holding the mystery, gives Faith. Oh Praise God. My, my!
Should I do this here? Okay. Open you Bibles please, Revelations 16. Maybe, I did it in November, the Lord told me to say it before the war started. How many remember that? November I came in the pulpit and tell you about my healing and so forth? But then I told you what He told me on a Saturday, previous, on 24th. “Behold I come as a thief” between the sixth vial and seventh vial.
I’m fighting the battle with a running nose. Amen. Praise God. Okay, Revelations 16:12. And the sixth Angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates. Oh, Euphrates, the water was running, it was keeping the two hundred thousand, thousand demons bound.. Now something’s going to change here. Pour out his vial of judgment upon the great river Euphrates and the water therefore, was dried up. My! That the way of the Kings of the East might be prepared.