1995-0630PM - Christ In You The Hope Of Glory - Bro Coleman

So the time is at hand, the time is at hand for the Living Christ to be in the Living Bride by the revelation of the Three Fold Mystery of the Three Fold purpose that was hid in God’s mind before the foundation of the world. Amen. The Three Fold Mystery of God. Now St. John 14:20 holds the whole secret of the eternal purposes for all ages. This one scripture here, St John 14:20 holds the whole secret for all—the entire Bible, all the ages, the purpose, everything else. Just one scripture. Amen?

What is that? “God in Christ.” Amen? Number one. Second fold; “Christ in you.” Third fold; to do what? “To restore the Bride back to Eden—that… to that perfect Eden condition.” Dominion. Amen. You may be seated. Where Adam had his inheritance in Eternal life. Dominion, supreme control of the earth. He was a god of the earth. He could speak, he could name, he could tell the tree, “Move over there.” If he was sitting here, he grounded, he wanted some water he could say, “Cool stream move and pass right by me, I can reach up and… a handful of cool water.” Huh? You don’t know who you are! You are Messiates, anointed words. Halleluiah. He could stop nature. He could do anything he wanted to do because he had authority, watch, through the title deed to the earth. Amen.

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