We are finished! That’s it! The Word has been preached. The Fire has vindicated the Word. Amen. I Corinthians 4:20:
20 For the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power.
And the Power was displayed today. The Kingdom of God is God’s Word made Power! Power to receive the Holy Ghost. Amen. He’s here. Oh my. The Kingdom of God is within you and when the Seven Virtues come in, what does the Word begin to do? It turns Itself into Power. It makes It say just exactly what It said in the Bible. What the Bible says, It comes into your Power and it turns It back out and you see written Epistles from the Bible. It comes out of you. It makes It say it exactly what
the Bible said. You can’t say It says this and do something else. It can’t be anything different. Amen. You have got to say the same thing. Amen. That will make a confession. That will make a witness for Christ. When the Dynamics comes into you, the Word seed is in you, then it turns Itself into Power. Then you’ll see Christ in action, St. John 14:12, St. Mark 16, II Peter 1, Ephesians 4, Galatians 5:22: the Dynamics to your mechanics.
What is It here for? To birth you: Virtue, Power for service. Oh hallelujah, hallelujah. How many were touched this morning? How many were blessed this morning? Hallelujah. You’ve already been prayed for. You’ve already been set free. Jesus makes you whole. Hallelujah, praise our God. Are you ready to march? Are you ready to march? We are marching over to Jerusalem.