…if the first branch of the vine brought forth a Pentecostal church, every real branch out of that vine will bring forth another Pentecostal church. But we got a lot of grafted branches, and they bring forth after their kind. We got Methodist branch grafted into it, Baptist branch, Pentecostal branch, every other kind of branch. It bears its own fruit.
You can take a orange tree and put a grapefruit in it. It’ll live off the life of that tree, but it’ll bear grapefruit. Put a lemon in there, it’ll bear lemon, not an orange, yet it’s living off of orange life. See, any citrus fruit…
Any church professing to be Christian thrives off of the glory and praises of Christ. But it can’t bear the fruit. It won’t bear the Life of Christ until Christ puts forth that branch Himself. Then it’ll—it’ll write another Book of Acts behind it (that’s right), because it is the acts of the Holy Spirit in the church. See? That’s the way it is tonight, Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever.