It's the atmosphere that does it.
You can take a hen egg and put it in a incubator and keep the atmosphere right it'll hatch out a chicken not an incubator. See? Because that it's the atmosphere that counts. Put a chicken egg under a--a dog. It'll hatch a chicken. It's the atmosphere. And that's what it takes in the church today, not so much starchy creed and theology, but the Spirit of the living God pouring down upon His people to bring a spiritual atmosphere.
Not one saying, "I believe it's this," and another one, "I believe it's that." It's hard for the Holy Spirit to work.
Do you know when the Holy Spirit first came? It was on the day of Pentecost, when they were in all in one place and one accord. And then there came from heaven a sound like a rushing mighty wind. They had to get the atmosphere right.
And that's what we need today, brethren. We're way behind. The church ought to be a million miles up the road.