Reminds me of a little boy that lived in Jeffersonville, where I live. One day, they said he was—went to his mother, and he said, “Mother? God, this God that you talk about, He’s such a great person. Could anybody see Him?” She said, “Ask the pastor.” So, went to the pastor and asked him, and he said… No, Sunday school teacher. And the Sunday school teacher said, “You’d better ask the pastor.” She didn’t know. So went to the pastor. He said, “No, no, son.” He said, “No man can see God and live.” Said, “You don’t see God.” Well, it kinda disappointed the little fellow.
And there was an old fisherman. And he was up on the river, one day, with this old fisherman, fishing, and there come up a storm. As many of you, I guess, are from the east and know how the… washes off the leaves. And he was coming down the river. And the little boy was setting in the back of the boat. And the sun was setting to the west, and a rainbow come across the river like that. And the old fisherman, oaring… And the waters had quietened from the storm, and everything was fresh, and the smell of the blossoms. And as he paddled, over his gray beard big silver tears begin to flow down his beard, as he looked.
And the little boy looked around to see what he was looking at. He looked at the old fisherman. And he run up from the stern of the boat, up to the center of the boat, and he set down by the old fisherman’s knees, and he said, “Sir, I want to ask you something. My mother’s not able to answer me, my Sunday school teacher, nor my pastor.” Said, “Is… God, being so great, could any man see Him?” And the old fisherman pulled the oars into his lap, put the little boy’s head over against his shoulder, said, “God bless your little heart, honey. All I’ve seen for the past forty years has been God.” See? He was just… You have to have God in here to see Him out there (See?), God on the inside looking through your eyes.