1992-0614 - The Voice Of The Archangel - Bro. Coleman

Seven Thunders is the Shout, and the Message to get the people together. Three things, the Voice, Shout and the Trump. Amen. Page 32 (Brother Coleman refers to “The Rapture”, Brother Branham, 04-12-196). Shout, Seven Thunders getting the people together. The second is a Voice of the Resurrection. Did you hear what I’m saying? Did you get the Revelation there in the Revelation of Jesus Christ? He said on page 32, he said, the Voice of the Archangel is a Voice of the Resurrection. Then you mean that the Voice of God will be in the Bride? Huh? Which is the Voice of the Archangel? And at the right time, when you’re adopted, it will become a Voice of the Resurrection and that’s why it’ll be a secret. And they won’t know. They’ll be going to the Pastor’s house, he’ll be gone. What happened to that young women? Took her down to the woods and ravished her.

Oh, it’s going to get narrow right on down. Oh, yes it is. It’s going to narrow right on down. The Voice of the Archangel, they don’t even believe it in the Message, will be in the Bride. And when She’s adopted, what will She identify? The Coming of the Lord. Oh hallelujah. Praise God. And that last one. Amen. Hallelujah. Then the Voice of the Archangel will change into a Voice of the Resurrection, the Call to the Resurrection. Hallelujah! Something inside, a Trumpet will blast all through your being. And all of a sudden something will fill over your eyes and you’ll see Malachi 4. ‘God bless you, Brother Branham. God bless you, brother.’ Oh, hallelujah, praise God. ‘Oh, there is my mother.’ Hallelujah. ‘Mama, it’s good to see you again.’ ‘There’s my Papa.’ Oh, hallelujah. Be in the Resurrection and they won’t know it. 30, 40 days. Because the Voice that’s going forth of the Archangel, will become a Voice, when you add Virtue, Knowledge, Temperance, Patience, Godliness, Charity on Brotherly Kindness, adopted, the Pillar of Fire will be in you. And then at the right time, when the last one is adopted on the earth, it becomes a Voice of the Archangel.

I can almost see that Angel standing there, watch, page 405, on “The Seals”, at the last, at the end of the seventh angel’s Message. The end of it, the whole thing is a junction of time, but the end of it. You mean the Voi… I mean the Shout, Voice, Trump! At the last Trump, I can see that Angel standing there and turning the Voice into a Voice, singular, to bring on the Resurrection. But it’ll be in you, Christ in you the hope of Glory. (…) What’s the Revelation here? The Voice of the Archangel is the… is a Voice of the Resurrection. The same loud voice that called Lazarus, it’s there in the Quotes, getting the Bride together, but I had to skip it here, cause I don’t want to… I have to get out of here. Then the Resurrection of the dead to be caught up with it. Did you notice, you must have the Voice of the Archangel in you to have a Voice of the Resurrection. There is your Call to the Resurrection.

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