And Malachi 4 had thoroughly laid out II Peter 1:4 through 7 and the Virtues being capped by Charity, which is the Capstone. Then he ties the Pyramid into the Seven Thunders in, “Sirs Is This The Time.” And the quote: seriously think if it is, then the Pyramid is capped by the Seven Thunders. Well, yes sir.
So Capstone, question number two: Capstone of Love come to you. What is the revelation of being, to bring Him down upon us? The Capstone, the Headstone. Now remember the Seven Thunders uttering its Voices is a promise to the Bride, quote: Wait till them Seven Thunders utter their Voices to that group who can really take the Word of God and hand it there. It’ll slice and cut. They can close the heavens. They can shut this and do all whatever they want to. Okay.
Seven Thunders is now ready to utter its Voices to you. Or has it? Did it utter His Voices to you? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Did it? I don’t know, I just stated, just read what he said. Oh. I think you’re waterlogged. Okay. Well you may be seated. Okay.
“The Stature Of A Perfect...” Oh here it is, page 6. That’s the one. Oh here we are. Okay, page 6, “The Stature Of A Perfect Man.” We just finished the Seven Church Ages. And this is a message on teaching that ties the man in that’s gonna be redeemed by the Blood of the Lord Jesus and is gonna be in that Church Age, that Eternal Church Age at the end of the Seals. That man that does this. This is a message on teaching that ties this man in at the end of the Seals. Yes sir.