Now, perfect faith, just like perfect love, casts out all fear, all doubting. If you believe it, no matter what the symptoms are, what the results, you believe it just the same. Do you ever have something you just knew was going to happen? No matter what the--looked like it might not happen, but it's going to happen anyhow because you believe it that way.
Now, when Jesus says anything, His Word is a Seed. And every seed will bring forth of its kind. If it's a seed of promise for your salvation, it'll work salvation. If it's for healing, it'll work for healing. If it's for joy, peace, anything that you have need of, all them redemptive blessings is in Christ. And He's setting tonight as a High Priest of your confession (Hebrews 3:1), setting at the right hand of His majesty in heaven, to make intercessions upon your confession.