1984-0304 - The Voice Of The Archangel - Bro Coleman

19 Tell me, my brother, tell me, my sister, when was the time that the sons of God was ever to be manifested outside of this time now? When was there ever a time in (…) history, those that ma--manifest the time to deliver all nature? (…) the nature itself is groaning,…

The trees is groaning and all the ground is groaning, because one time these trees lived forever, but now it’s accursed and the trees want to go back to Eden. So they're groaning, waiting for some more Adams to come on the scene, speak, ‘Peace be still. Let there be light.’ That’s what they're waiting for. Oh glory, glory to God. Mm. We're here! We're waiting for Rapturing Faith.

Could this be the time when something will sweep into you? The little ones who can't seem to get a hold of it, it’ll make them go out of here singing and shouting and praising God. Could it be going on now? Is it starting now? Oh, Who do you say this is? Glory, glory. Groaning.

Why, before the atonement was made, before the Holy Ghost was ever poured out, before (…) the Old Testament, on down (…), there couldn't have been manifestation. It had to wait till this time. Now, all things has been brought, coming, shaping up to a headstone,… See what it’s doing? Coming up to the Headstone, the Holy Spirit.

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