63-0317E - The Breach Between The Seven Church Ages And The Seven Seals - Bro Branham

255 But now He comes from here, at this last Seal. He no more Mediator. He is King now. And what does He do? If He’s a King, He has to have subjects. And His subjects is them that He has redeemed, and they cannot come before Him until He takes the rights of redemption. And now He walks forth, from a Mediator; where death put us in the grave, He comes forth with the rights. Amen.

256 “And even those who are alive and remain till His Coming, shall not hinder them which are asleep. For the trumpet of God shall sound, at that last trumpet.” When the last Seal is broke, and when the seventh angel is giving his Message, “The last trumpet shall sound, and the dead in Christ shall rise. And we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them, to meet Him in the air.” He claims! He has come forth now to claim His—His possession.

257 Watch! Look at this! My! Broke the Seals, revealed the mysteries. Revealed them (where?) to the last church age, the only one that’s living. The rest of them is sleeping.

258 He said, “If He comes in the first watch, second watch, third watch, on down to the seventh watch.” In the seventh watch, there went out a—a command, or a call, “Behold, the Bridegroom cometh!”

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