61-0808 - Thy House - Bro Branham

When Christ died, He committed His Spirit to God before He left the—the cross. He said, “Into Thy hands I commend My Spirit.” And the Bible said His soul went to hell and preached (that’s His conscience and what He was…) to the spirits was in prison and His body went to the grave.

Now see, He was behind a barricade of Scriptures. He couldn’t rise for three days. And His Spirit was back up here in the Presence of God. Now, after three days, that barricade was taken down, because the Scripture was fulfilled. And His Spirit went to the soul, and the soul went to the body, and He rose up. He said before He died, He said, “I have power to lay My life down. I have power to take it up again.”

Now, think of it. Every one of you in here, as far as I know tonight is Christians. Now, look. The thing that’s in you now, the Spirit that’s in you now is the same Spirit that will raise you up. You have power to lay your life down. You’re doing it right now for Christ. And then you have power to take it up again. See? You have power to lay it down and power to take it up.

For it’s the very Spirit of God that’s in you that raises you up, is the very Spirit of God that was in Christ that raised Him up. So, you have power to lay it down; you have power to take it up.

54 And when you die or—and you—our loved ones or somebody goes on ahead of us, they’re not dead. Their spirit’s with God. Their soul is under the altar of God. Their body’s in the grave, and they know right where it is at.

So, what happens? When the Scripture’s all fulfilled, like in the Bible it said, “These souls are under the altar, was crying, ‘Lord, how long, how long?” They want to come back to earth and be in bodies. He said, “Just a little longer till your fellow servants has suffered like you have for the testimony of Christ.”

Then you see when that Scripture is fulfilled, then them spirits descend right straight under the altar there and take up that soul. That soul goes right down and picks up the body, and there you are, raised again. Think of it. The Holy Spirit that’s right in this building tonight, the Holy Spirit that’s right here in my heart will raise me up at the last day.

55 This Holy Spirit that’s in me now, will see to it that I have a young immortal body and never go with… The Holy Spirit that’s in you will see that the gray hairs will fade away and whatever it is. And you—and the old age, if you’re so old, and whiskers down, and walking like that, it don’t make one bit of difference. That same Holy Spirit, He will just snap it right back at that day, just at a young man and woman. That’s the Bible. That’s right. The Spirit that’s in us right now, right now. Not one that will come, the One that’s in us now. It’s God in you now. And He will raise… You can raise yourself up. And why can’t you do it now? Because see, there’s Scripture holding you; you got to wait till the rapture.

doveThis website is dedicated to the spreading of the gospel of Jesus Christ with the present tense promise of Ephesians 4:11-13 and Revelation 22:17

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