Now I believe, with all of my heart, that somewhere in here the latter rain will pour out as Dynamics upon the Word seeds, because we are in the tent, Jesus Christ. Now I believe, with all of my heart, that somewhere in here the latter rain will pour out as Dynamics upon the Word seeds, because we are in the tent, Jesus Christ.
(… we are in the tent Jesus Christ, stretched His tent out right here)
So now the Holy Spirit, the Dynamics can pour out. And here is a promise from The Spoken Word is the Original Seed.
THE.SPOKEN.WORD.IS.THE.ORIGINAL.SEED_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-1 SUNDAY_ 62-0318 48-1 Now, watch, but there was One which was the Word. He was the Word, and where did He stay? With the promised one, the elected one. The Word stayed with the elected one. And the Word of God today will stay with the elected ones, the Royal Seed of Abraham by the promise.
(… so no matter what the Devil throws at you He’ll come with you. You are an elected one and that Angel is with you.)
What kind of a works did it do? When it was manifested about eight hundred years later in the form of Jesus Christ, it done the same works that that One did there, the Word did at the gate at Abraham's tent, set with His back turned to the tent, told Abraham his name was Abraham, not Abram, what it always had been (what his name...), but his name was Abraham, 'cause God met him a few days before that and told him his name was Abraham. Said, "Where is Thy wife (not S-a-r-r-a, S-a-r-a-h.)... Where is Thy wife Sarah?" like He didn't know.Said, "She's in the tent behind You."He said, "I'm going to visit you ('I,' the personal pronoun.), I'm going to visit you according to the time of life (Oh.), and you're going to have that baby that you've waited on. The latter rain is fixing to fall. You've hold that seed in there long enough now, on believing, and you're looking for a coming son, and he's coming." Amen. That's the real church today (See?), that elected Seed. "You've been looking for him, and I'm going to send him to you." Amen. What said that? The Word.
(…Capstone revelation said that it’s going to be a manifestation “I will return to you according to the time of life”)