1999-1017 - The Ministry Of The Spirit Is Here To Quicken The Word To The Bride - Bro Coleman

Malachi 4 said many times, especially in his prophecy, now I finally got here. Thirty-six years I had to wait to get here for the “Spoken Word Is The Original Seed.” I have preached on it time after time after time, but it just wasn’t right yet. But now we’re here. The Spoken Word Is The Original Seed, thirty-six years. These... none of these brothers sitting here wasn’t even born, amen, when I was preaching away. Many over here, none of them were born over there either except these two old guys here, amen. Praise the Lord. Yes sir.
Now at last, this is what I’ve been trying to get to. “Spoken Word Is The Original Seed,” page 57. I’m just going to paraphrase it. I don’t want... after all these years, thirty-six years have we finally come back to the Word and the Spirit? Oh, have we, are we there? Pinch yourselves. All this prophesying it, present tense prophesying is here today, it’s here today. Many walk out. What are you doing? I’m telling an experience. I mean I’m testifying, that’s what I’m doing, amen, and they walk out. You may be seated.

Genesis 1:11; every seed after it’s own kind. Amen. Now these last days, the true church, bride comes to the Headstone. They will be in His very image. They will be one. They will be the very manifestation of the Word of the living God. Now we done switched over now, brother. I just went through all the first and second phase, I just finished it, two elements. Hallelujah, praise God. Kind of slipped in on you. Now we’re somewhere else now. We’re there now, brother. And you can’t stop it, brother. It’s done been spoken, Lord God, let it be done. Now, you may be seated. They will be the very manifestation of the Word of the living God. St. John 5:19; harmony between God and Christ, so will the bride. So will the bride. He shows her His word of life. Do you understand why this ministry of the spirit is to quicken the Word? He shows her, the ministry of the spirit shows, quickens the Word to her. She does it in His name. No unbelief. Oh my, my, my. I see light bulbs opening up here, popping on, amen, glory to God. Amen, Rich, you got it? Then you’re rich, brother. Praise God. Yes sir. What a revelation, amen Stephan? Ha, ya, glory to God. Now, now we’re talking about the manifestation of the Word. There will be a very... they, the bride, will be the very manifestation of the Word of the living God. St. John 5:19; it says here, He shows... and I do nothing except the Father show me.

Now we come down to the bride doing nothing except Christ show her. And He is the ministry of the spirit. Which I’ll prove it to you. Amen, the intelligence, the mind of Christ. Oh, hallelujah, glory to God. My, yes
sir. So will the bride, so will the bride. He shows her His Word of... His Word of life and she receives it. Amen. She never doubts it. Oh at last, whew, here’s the bride’s third element. And he said the third element was the vision, or the Word of the Lord made manifest. When you see it, when you see that, it’s Thus saith the Lord. Well then this third element is going to be in the bride because he said. Here is the secret, page 59 in the prophecy. The Word is in the bride and the mind of Christ to know what He wants done with the Word. And she does nothing unless she has Thus saith the Lord. There’s your third element. Hallelujah. And the same time visions come, powers come, praise... Thus saith the Lord, go stand over there on that street. Somebody will try to cross the street on the fourth light, hallelujah, praise God. I’m talking about the power of God. I ain’t talking about a bunch of Pentecostal nonsense. I... I saw a light. What light did you see? That was a flashlight. Amen. Praise God.

doveThis website is dedicated to the spreading of the gospel of Jesus Christ with the present tense promise of Ephesians 4:11-13 and Revelation 22:17

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