63-0901M - Token - Bro Branham

135 Paul said, “I give my body to be burned, as a sacrifice; give all my goods to feed the poor; I have faith to move mountains, and so forth; and speak in tongues, like men and angels; and all these other things,” and said, “I am nothing until the Token has been applied. Until this Token!” That’s what I’m speaking on tonight, the love. See? “Now, until this has been applied, I am nothing.” See?
136 I don’t care, you might have cast out devils. You might have healed the sick by your prayer of faith. You might have done all these things. But if that Token is not there, you’re under the wrath of God. You might be a believer. You might stand in the pulpit and preach the Gospel. “Many will come to Me in that day, and say, ‘Lord, Lord, have not I prophesied in Your Name, preached in Your Name? Have not I cast out devils in Your Name?’” That’s both Methodists, Baptists, and Pentecostals. Jesus said, “Depart from Me, you that work iniquity. I never even knew you.”
137 “But when I see the Token, I’ll pass over you.” It’s God’s requirement of the hour. The evening-time Message, is to apply the Token.
138 Satan has throwed all kinds of counterfeits, of shaking hands, and evidences, and everything like that. Forget it! The hour has arrived that the Token, Itself; not some counterfeit, make-belief, substitutionary, anything.
39 The hour is here when the Token Himself is identifying Himself right among us, and proving that He is the same Jesus yesterday, today, and forever, and He’s right with the Word. It’s got to be applied. A man that says he’s got the Token, deny this Word, then what about it? See, you can’t do it. The Token has got to be there. “When I…The blood shall be a token unto you.” Now the Holy Spirit, the Life that was in the Blood, is a Token unto you. Get to it in a moment, see. The Holy Ghost is the Token. The case is closed. Yes, sir.

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