52-0224 - Believing God – Bro Branham

You've got a soul besides your senses. God never give you those senses to trust Him with. God give you His Spirit to trust--you will trust. Your senses is only to contact; see, taste, feel, smell, and hear. But to you yourself, is that spirit that lives in you. And when that's been regenerated, and the old man died, and the new man borned again, that is a part of God; then you become a son of God, an offspring of the Creator. Then you can believe the impossible things, because you're made up of the miracle working God. You're a part of Him.

You get what I mean? Then in there is a spirit, and from there is your immortal Life. Then a man that's borned of the Spirit of God does not commit sin. You get the Scripture straightened out then. If he, if... The worshipper once purged has no more desire of sin, or no more conscience of it. In the Old Testament the worshipper come in and offered his sacrifice, went back out with the same desire to sin. But here... Here it is; get it. Hebrews said when the worshipper in this case, who puts his hands on the Son of God's head, and his sins are purged by the sanctifying power of God, there's no more desire in there for sin. Oh, there's where Life lays. Then that makes you an offspring of Jehovah.

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