64-1221 Why It Had To Be Shepherd - Bro Branham

I offer myself to God, tonight, with all my heart, with all that's in me. I don't have very much to give; I can't bring frankincense, myrrh, and gold, 'cause I have none. But all I have in myself that God give me, this life, I dedicate it to Him afresh tonight, upon the manger of His Word in my heart; and promise Him, to stand with that Word, if He'll let me live another year, just as faithful as I can stand; preach every bit of It, and believe every bit of It; so, help me, God. Will you do the same with me?

Receive us, Lord. We receive Your Christmas Gift, the Messiah, the anointed Word that vindicates Your Presence with us, Lord, regardless of creed or denomination. We find, ourselves today, the world falling apart, and here the great Messiah stands with His hands outstretched: Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever, that made the promises, that in this last days, the church would be so organized till it would go into Laodicea. And we see it today, Lord.

What can we do, dear God? What can I do? Help me and these other shepherds, Lord, around the world, shepherds of the Word, to proclaim It, Lord, in this next year. Help us, Lord, we pray. Give us of Thy Love and Thy Spirit and Thy Light. We dedicate ourselves tonight to Thy Word and to Thy call. In Jesus Christ's Name, we receive Your Christmas Gift: the Word of God made flesh in us. Amen.

doveThis website is dedicated to the spreading of the gospel of Jesus Christ with the present tense promise of Ephesians 4:11-13 and Revelation 22:17

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