Comments: 2010-02-21 - Father, All Things Are Ready, Let The Seven Thunder Manifestation Charity Fire Fall - Bro Coleman

Here is the secret, and I just finished showing you the secret. The Word is in the Bride, Logos, and the Mind of Christ, Elohim, to know what He wants done with the Word. And She does it in His Name. Cause She’s prepared ground. She has ‘Thus saith the Lord’. That is the secret, Logos and Elohim together. The Word, Logos, is in the Bride and the Mind, Elohim, Intelligence of Christ, to know what He wants done with the Word. And She does it, She does it in His Name. Amen.

There’s your Acts 5:12-16, healed in Peter’s shadow. St John 14:12. St Mark 16, the Bride in action as an adopted Spoken Word Bride. Revelation 22:17, the Spirit and the Bride say come. Charity, the Voice of the Archangel veiled in a flesh. I Thessalonians 4:16, three things: Shout - appearing, Voice - appearing, Trump - coming. Christ’s Ministry, Ephesians 4:11-13, will bring a Bride to Perfection, a perfect man. Elohim in Seven Spirits, back to the Bride, back into the Bride will be the manifestation of the Seven Living Voices, a reflection of the Seven Spirits of Elohim as Seven Living Voices in an Omega Bride. The Reflection will be the Perfection, even the Ministry of the Morning Star, which is given to you, the overcomer, on the Third-Phase. Where? In their Place of Trying. Overcome, they are adopted and positionally placed.

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