1964-07-26M - Recognizing Your Day And Its Message - Bro Branham

Like Israel, back in her promised land, she don't know how she got back there. She was just automatically put back there. Why? National force put her in her place. Now I'm going to say something. National force put Israel in her homeland; national force will put the church in the World Council of Churches; but the power of God will put the people in the Bride. The world forces this way, and the world forces that way, but God forces upward. The Spirit of God, which is the Word of God, "My Word is Spirit and Life," will put the Bride in Her place. Cause, She'll recognize Her position in the Word, then She's in Christ, will put Her in Her place. No national force will do it. But the national force did drive Israel to the homeland; the national forces of the Council of Churches will drive every organization into it; but the Power of God will raise the Bride into Glory, out of it.

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