1955-01-09E - Beginning And Ending Of The Gentile Dispensation - Bro Branham

I said, "Them great men is just finding out what we bunch of nitwits knowed all the time." That's right. Some of these glorious days you'll find out that this bunch of power that changes harlots to ladies and drunkards to gentlemen and Christians, is the very power that'll lift them out of this earth and take them home in the rapture to Glory. It may be too late. It may be too late for many.

"At that day Michael shall stand for the people." He ain't standing for the nations; He's standing for the people. "And many of those that sleep in the dust of the earth, some shall rise to everlasting shame and contemptment. But those that be wise and turn many to righteous, shall shine as the stars forever and ever." Hallelujah. A tent or a cottage, why should I care? They're building a palace for me over there. Come over to see me someday.

What is it? I've walked out and looked at that great morning star as she begins to move yonder. What does the morning star say? The morning star is only reflecting the supreme light of the sun coming. Is that right? The morning star, the reason it's so bright, you know why it is? The sun's so much closer to it. It's a pressing on, and the morning star hails the coming of the sun. All right, you morning stars, it's time to go to hailing His coming. Shine morning stars, rise early. It says the sun will soon be here.

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