But God must see Seven Virtues operating by the Dynamics in this season. And then when you hit Brotherly Kindness, the Bible says, to Brotherly Kindness, add Charity. Amen. Then you add Charity. And then the Philistines got to back up. Cause they’ll see you standing there in your order. Positionally placed as sons of God. Adopted into the family of God. Powerful church standing there, in all it’s glory. Changed from the glory of Jacob grace to the glory of Joseph perfection. From glory to glory to glory to glory. Amen. That’s what He’s coming for.
The Spirit of Adoption is upon you now. And if you have the Spirit in you and the Spirit; this is Adoption season. And then when your Father begins to preach through the pastor, the spirit in you will say, “Abba, Father, Abba, Father, Abba, Father. It will agree, it will bear witness with what’s going forth from the pulpit. Otherwise it’s not a son of God.
Oh church, you must be borned again, and then adopted. Oh praise God, we’re here. Amen. So now, the Spirit of Adoption. What... what’s the Spirit of Adoption? Seven Thunders is Faith. That’s the Word. Then Virtue is dunamus, power. Then Virtue all the way to Charity, that’s the Spirit. And Faith is the Word. And now the Spirit comes upon the Word. And in the Word in your souls is Seven Thunders. And now Virtue will connect with the Seven Thunders and out will come Power, out will come Temperance, out will come Patience, out will come Godliness, out will come Brotherly Kindness. Because the Spirit is operating the Seven Thunders that’s in your soul. Glory.