If they’d only looked, He was Messiah. He was the living Word made manifest. And a man that’s got the Spirit of God in him, or woman, lives that Word. That Word lives right out in them. That’s the heartbeat, the predestinated. Here it is friends. For the Word of the Lord comes to them and they are the Word to the people, written - Epistles read of all men. Is that right? Could the Third Pull be on? Oh friends, do you know what I’m saying this morning? Remember God over us, God with us, and then God in us, the Spirit Spoken Word. Malachi 4, he revealed the Word and God took him away. And over nine years, the Word of the Lord came to the Bride, no matter where She was at.
And now She has the Word of the Lord in her. And now tonight, this morning, today, in this hour, the Bride can anoint to Herself every Spirit Spoken Word promise that’s in the Bible. I don’t know whether you know what I’m saying. But if the Seven Thunder Word is in us, the Seven Voices of the Seven Church Ages, if that’s in you and me, then we have the original Faith of the early Church.