But look, friend, the time is coming, that when there is rising up a church. If we can’t have faith for Divine healing, how are we going to have for the rapture? We’ve got to move out, friend. We’ve got to get out of this old, slow, church condition that we’re in. Step out. Launch out. Cut the shorelines, and get out into somewhere, where you lose all senses of fear and doubt, out there where all things are possible, brother, just as free as it can be. You’ve got your sail set towards heaven, and nothing can stir you no way. You’re gone that way; that’s all. Nothing can harm you.
Now, that’s the kind of a church it’s going to be, one of these days, according to the Bible. Where the Angel poured out His wrath and diseases broke out, and men even rotted in their flesh where they were standing. And the fowl of the air come down and eat off of the shoulders, and eat the flesh of chief-captains, and great mans, and presidents, and warriors, and diplomats, and potentates, and everything. Eat… But the Angel was given charge, “Don’t you come near anyone that’s got the seal of God in their forehead.” It’s going to be a… One of these days Divine healing’s going to be a great thing among the people. So let’s get in condition. God wants us…
You say, “Well, Brother Branham, you say, ‘Let us.’” That’s what God’s a waiting on. God… We’re waiting on Jesus to return, and Jesus is waiting on us. You say, “Well, how, what can we do about it?” The Bible said the hour has come, and His Bride has made herself ready (Hallelujah.), made herself ready.